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Background: Picnodysostosis (PYCD) is a rare autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia due to a defect in the coding of the enzyme cathepsin K. It affects both sexes equally, as clinical features of short stature, bradydactyly, micrognathia, osteosclerosis, acrosteolysis, craniofacial deformities (micrognathia and late closure of the fontanelles), eruption delay and anomaly in the dentition and bone fragility. Patients with PYCD have a normal life expectancy, however. Due to poor vascularity and bone metabolism, the risk of postoperative complications increases, thus increasing the risk of osteomyelitis and pseudarthrosis.

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On the 7th of June, escorted by my former antique guide, Cypriano, whoquite reminded me of a knight of the dark ages, with lance and pennon,we got in the saddle, at nine by the evening clock, and pursued our paththrough the silent lanes and suburbs of the city. Without the moon tolight our footsteps,[Pg 290] we were four weary hours at a snail's pace inreaching the Porton, or Garita, when, after much parleying fromhouse-tops and gratings, the lazy, sleepy sentinels were persuaded tolet down the chains, that barred the gateway, and we passed out upon themain road. The officer on guard informed us that the troops had, someweeks before, surprised and captured a number of the Ladrons, nearTequilla, and sixteen had already been executed, with a choice reserveof nine more that were to be shot on the morrow; all of which impressedme as extremely wise and judicious measures.

Departing from Rosario, which is nearly thirty leagues from[Pg 305] the Port, Icame on at a flying gallop to the old Presidio; then tarrying forbreakfast with General Anaya, I again continued with all speed to Urias,where my horse's heels, and my own anxiety, outstripped the broken windof the guide's, and I never drew rein before reaching the Marismas ofMazatlan. The tide was very high, and I was almost forced to swim; butencouraged by a cavalcade of gentlemen on the opposite shore, Istraggled through, and was greeted by hosts of acquaintances, who, bymere accident and fun, had proposed to meet me on the road. I feelassured that I never shall be so handsomely escorted again; and whatadded to the clat of my arrival was, that upon entering the crowdedplaza a polite commissary ordered the band to play "Hail Columbia!" andI was nothing loth to hide my blushes, travel-stained garments, andjaded horse, from the admiring populace, and seek refuge within theresidence of the Governor.

The regret of the townspeople was universal at our approachingdeparture; and even the few who were at first opposed to the NorthAmericans had become the warmest in our favor. The sailors had allembarked, and the marines remained to perform the concluding honors. Onthe 17th of June, in the afternoon, General Negrete, escorted by anumber of officers and a small squadron of cavalry, entered the Plaza.Drums rolled, the soldiers presented arms, the American flag came down,the Mexican Eagle flew up over the Quartel, and amid the thundering ofartillery from ships and shore, bowing of officers, and waving ofchapeaus, the ceremony ended. Arraya remained at the Presidio, havingdelegated his authority to the second in command. ff782bc1db

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