Ms. Ifland

By Amiah H.

Ms.Ifland is an English and History teacher at Correia Middle School. She teaches the seventh grade. She said that if she didn't teach the seventh grade then she would want to teach the ninth grade, to teach Shakespeare. She attended Cal Poly state (California polytechnic state university). This is her first year here at Corriea, but before she taught here, she taught at Dana School and Fine arts academy. When she was younger she looked up to her English teachers, now she looks up to her mom because she handles herself with grace, class and is hardworking. Her ideal travel spot is Italy because she lived there. Her hobbies include Arts and crafts knitting beading home decor hand-lettering, golfing, fitness, cooking, writing, and interior design. The advice she would give to future students is: “Don’t give up and You’re capable of more than you think.”


Ms. Ifland