Ms. Carson

By Robert G.

There are many great teachers here at Correia, all of which are dedicated to improving students' futures. One of these teachers is Mrs. Carson. Mrs. Carson is a very passionate and interesting teacher. She loves teaching kids and helping them to make their future a good one. Recently, I got the chance to sit down and ask her a few questions. Here is a little biography on one of the great teachers here at Correia Middle School.

Mrs. Carson was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She lived there for just a while before moving West, first to LA, but then they ended up moving south to San Diego. She eventually became a teacher, after her dad’s suggestion. She has taught every subject at some point and has taught K-12 grades. Currently, she is an Education Specialist. She is also a Reading Specialist and has the credentials to be a choir director.

I asked Mrs. Carson if she had any childhood memories that stood out. She told me that, “As a child, baseball was much more popular than it is now.” She said, “Whenever the boys would play baseball, the girls would all go to watch. It was a connecting sport that brought everybody together.”

Mrs. Carson loves seeing kids grow and learn. She loves “being at the crossroad” where she helps push kids in the right direction for a better future. She enjoys teaching literature, especially through the arts. In her free time she likes to dance, and garden. She also is a foodie. She also likes to hang out with her friends. Lastly, I asked if she had any advice to give to kids. She told me that, “Kids should make sure to do their homework, finish their classwork, study for tests, and be kind to others.”

Overall, I think we can all learn something from Ms. Carson. She is incredibly passionate about her job and it was really fun and interesting to interview her.