Mrs. Staberg

By Sawyer H.

Mrs. Staberg was born in San Diego, California and went to college at San Diego State. Originally, she was going to be a psychologist but, made the big decision to go into teaching instead. She is an Education Specialist and teaches study skills here at Correia. She is also a co-teacher. When she was a student in 7th and 8th grade her favorite subject was math, and it has not changed. She has been teaching at Correia Middle School for 11 years but has been teaching for 17 years. She looks up to her Grandmother, who has unfortunately passed. She loves to travel and has been all around the world, but her favorite travel spot would be Portugal. When she is not teaching she can be found running, cooking, reading, or eating. The advice she would always give to a future or upcoming student would be to always be kind.