A Refresher On Planning A Stylish And Practical Office Interior Design

Most people spend a large proportion of their waking hours in the office. They will definitely prefer spending that time in an aesthetically pleasing and comfortable environment, rather than an uninspiring space with just four white walls and endless rows of desks. This article talks about modern office interior design and marks a few pointers relating to it.

Most people today spend more time in their workspace than in their homes. Hence, it has become more important than ever to focus on corporate office interiors. You should have a workspace that features a good balance of beauty and functionality and helps in keeping employees motivated. Your workspace not only needs to look stylish, but it also must create an ambience conducive to productivity. An office interior design even has to resonate with the image your brand wants to convey. Much like any residential space, the soul of an office building comes from the style it exudes. But as office space is used and visited by way more people, its interior design takes much more thought and planning than a residential unit.

You can take ideas from the following pointers while planning a stylish and functional interior design for the tour office:

  • Reception desk and lobby: In many ways, the reception desk serves as the face of a company. They are the first point of contact for many clients and even prospective employees. Hence, it is important to have a reception area that can make a favorable impression on anyone walking into your office. It will be prudent to use airy, light and welcoming colors for its walls, especially if the reception area is small. You should try to choose a color scheme that complements your company logo in order to build a cohesive brand image.

You may put framed photos of the achievements of your company or the thoughts of the company leadership near your lobby. This area should have as much natural light as possible, and the use of fluorescent lights must be avoided. Adding easy-to-maintain indoor plants in the lobby can be a good way to create an organic, relaxed atmosphere.

  • Office layout: A lot of contemporary companies go for an open-plan office layout. Traditional, closed off and separate cubicles take up a lot of space. Moreover, they also create barriers between the employees, making it difficult for them to communicate and collaborate. Today adaptable desk systems are becoming pretty popular, owing to the flexibility offered by them. These desk systems also have provision for technology integration, which is an important element of modern office spaces.

You should select a pleasant color scheme for the office floor and try to have large glass windows to harness natural light, in order to create a positive and warm ambience. Using a combination of wooden décor and earthy hues can help create a rustic, yet classy atmosphere at the workplace.

  • Furniture: You must select office furniture that effectively complements the office layout and provides comfort. Ergonomics have to be kept in mind when selecting the seating options for the workspace if you do not want your employees to complain about body aches. Extremely glossy furniture pieces should be avoided as they may lead to the incidence of reflected glare. Light bouncing off glossy furniture may cause strain on the eyes.

When it comes to corporate office interiors, you also need to focus on communal eating areas, and areas meant for relaxation, apart from the main work floor. Paying heed to each nook and corner of the office is important to create a space that is appealing and conducive to productivity.

Author bio: This article has been written by a well-established interior designer in North India. She has been involved in this industry for more than two decades now. She took up the hobby a while back recently and started her own blog. In her blog, she majorly talks about the various aspects of building interior design and architecture.