Coronavirus Community Toolkit

About Me

John Kerrigan I am an experienced health service researcher and ex-CEO of HERON, a health outcomes consultancy, which was acquired by PAREXEL in 2013. I am motivated to build a global online community to rapidly launch an evidence based toolkit to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 . I first worked with health professionals to develop similar tools in 2001. I hope that many people will contribute to the initiative.

Are you an Expert?

If you are a qualified expert in one of the disciplines under 'Immediate Needs' below and able to devote time to this initiative, please email me:

Have Access to an Expert Network?

If you don’t think you can contribute directly, but have access to a network of people who might, please share this immediately.

I intend to schedule a conference call at 1pm EST on Monday 23 March 2020 for the first qualified respondents to this request.


To provide a free, pragmatic, evidence-based set of tools to combat COVID-19 for all, regardless of who you are or where you live in the world.

The tools will help anyone translate best health practice into clear actions they can take to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 or spreading it within the local community. It should be something that any member of the public would feel confident about promoting to family, friends and followers in their network. Most importantly, it should be easy to use quickly.


There are no tools to translate international and national public health guidance into practical actions that can be taken by individuals in local communities.

Vision for the Toolkit

I anticipate the toolkit will contain a set of proven free tools designed for the public use to mitigate the risk to individuals and local communities. It should supplement and translate good quality existing information provided by respected health bodies, not replace it. It is not intended to duplicate any existing evidence-based tools available to the public, but would seek to incorporate such tools. Examples of content:

  • Electronic posters, notices, checklists etc that can be printed at home or locally

  • Electronic document templates to speed up local community action planning – eg a template list for approved local organizations assisting with the crisis

  • Flow charts, process diagrams etc that help individuals and communities navigate the best practices to avoid spread of COVID-19

  • Evidence-based applications, websites, electronic tools etc that help individuals and communities reduce risk

Time Horizon

The toolkit will be developed and continually improved until the global risk of the pandemic recedes and societies return to normal.

Crowd Sourced

The community toolkit aims to provide the best evidence-based tools irrespective of source. The authors do not intend to reinvent the wheel with anything that already exists, but intend simply to make tools that are proven to be effective, or likely to be effective, available to everyone. Every tool included in the toolkit will be referenced to the person who submits it. I know that the toolkit will need to be continually improved as it evolves.

A Personal Request

  1. Time is critical

  2. I do not have all the answers but believe that a good team can help find them

  3. Please do not contact me if you are seeking money to provide assistance or seeking to promote specific products or services

Immediate Needs

As the initiative expands, many more experts will be needed. Numbers in brackets reflect the number of volunteers with the needed skills.

1) A better name for the toolkit

2) Willing volunteer experts in the following disciplines:

a) Health Experts

i. Public Health (1)

ii. Virology

iii. Infection Control

iv. Emergency Medicine

v. Critical Appraisal of Evidence

vi. Rapid Systematic Review

b) Planning and Management Experts

i. Emergency Response Planning

ii. Project Management

c) Communication Experts

i. Social Media (0.5)

ii. Writers and Editors (1)

iii. Language Translators

iv. PR and Media Relations

v. Graphic Design

vi. Web Developers (0.5)

3) Evidence-based Interventions

a) Scientifically approved evidence-based individual and community preventative interventions (eg hand-washing, social isolation etc)

b) Unproven, but high-potential, individual and community preventative interventions (eg coronavirus infection status posters on house doors – ‘symptoms, untested’, ‘symptoms, tested’, ‘no symptoms, uninfected’, ‘no symptoms, previously infected’)

4) Resources

a) Free Web Hosting (necessary if web traffic becomes very large)

b) Free advertising and promotion of the toolkit (given the unprecedented nature of the pandemic threat I am optimistic that the large community of social network organizations and influencers out there may be willing to waive fees for this initiative)

c) Access to capital to fund organization (I do not seek remuneration from this initiative, but anticipate that some funds may be needed to expedite research, production and dissemination – if you or your organization can help, please get in touch)

d) Depending on how effective this initiative is, we may need volunteers to assist with reviewing and prioritizing inquiries