Paradigms and Modalities


When others tried to help me they weren't very effective. I think it had to do with the fact that they were operating out of limited paradigms.

First of all, I don't believe in talk therapy ONLY. I belief in the holistic paradigm of body-mind-spirit.

Yoga, exercise, right diet are very important

Everything is energy, it's important we have techniques to shift the energy. We have to understand ourselves as energy beings.

We are not living in a vaccuum and this Universe if governed by laws and meaning.


I think we have to understand that we don't live in a vacuum or in a lawless Universe.

We have to look a little deeper and farther.

We are here to evolve, to grow, to tranform. What goes around comes around. We have so many unknowns in our lives, we seem not to know, where we came from, where're going, why were're here.

Yin Yang tells us there's a continual interplay of forces. Where there's a front there's a back. That's how life is. Sometimes we're not very observant of why things occur, we need to get to a greater depth.

Nothing comes from nothing.


I use astrology, to help understand your personality and circumstances

I use the wisdom embedded in the Greek mythology of the Oddysee. Each adventure is symbolic of the 12 main lessons in ife

I use Inner Bonding, to help you connect more with your core self.

I use Bach Flower Essences to effectively touch the energy patterns of the unconscious

I use and can train you to use the Yuen Method to use your innate healing force of your energetic midline/chakra line to realign wrong unconsious patterns and knots to restore equilibrium

I use HeartMath to help you shift to the heart and focus on what really matters.

1 in 4 people are highly sensitive and it's important to understand how to strenghten and capitilize on these wonderful intuitive, perceptive and compassionate qualities that are so direly needed in this world and how to be of real service to others, instead of being bowed down by one's "over" sensitivity.