
List of Services

Expert Care for Back Pain

Best Exercises for Slipped Disc:

Core Health is located at 551 Post Road in Darien we offer chiropractic, massage and physical therapy in one convenient location. This video shows what causes your back pain. Spinal decompression for lower back pain is an excellent treatment. Go to our homepage for a special offer.

Herniated/Bulging Disc Pain

What does it mean when you have a herniated or bulging disc in your back? Good news if you live in Darien or New Canaan

A herniated disc often referred to as a bulging disc is a condition that indicates a problem with a rubbery disc between the spinal bones. The disc is made from cartilage and acts as a shock absorber that allows the spinal vertebra to move dynamically with mechanical efficiency. This condition occurs when the soft center of a spinal disc pushes through a crack in the tougher exterior casing. This causes the disc to put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerve roots that exit the spine at the intervertebral foramen. The lower back pain a herniated disc causes can be severe and debilitating.

Golfer's Elbow Pain in Darien

Golfer's often start to develop painful symptoms in the lateral portion of their elbow. This painful condition causes inflammation of the tendons that cross the elbow. The tendons are dense muscle fibers and are encased in a connective tissue called fascia. The fascia is the nerve rich connective tissue between muscles and bones. When extra stress is put onto the muscle tendons there is extra stress placed on the fascia as well causing its shape to be distorted. The distorted tendon tissue becomes gritty and causes increased friction. The increased friction causes more pain and inflammation as the athlete uses the involved muscles repetitively. Core Health Darien can have you back on the golf course in no time. We have started to use shockwave therapy as well as Graston to speed up the healing process for our patients with medial epicondylitis aka Golfer's Elbow.

Migraine Headaches

Darien Chiropractor for Migraine Headaches +1 (203)656-3636

Whether you have sinus headaches or migraine headaches a chiropractor can usually help get you the headache relief that you should have. We are bombarded with new headache medications advertised on TV. Sometimes they work, and we are thrilled for those of you who get relief with pills. However, most headaches are related to structural issues involving the cervical or neck spinal vertebra. You may not know this but the brain stem actually extends into the upper two cervical vertebra. Pressure on the brainstem is enough to cause you to have a major migraine episode. Let me ask you a question? If a bone is impinging on the base of your brain is there a pill or shot that can correct that? No, a chiropractor is trained to gently move the bones back into place reducing pressure on the nerves and brain. We see headache miracles all the time. We invite you to try gentle chiropractic care for your migraine. If you read our Google reviews you will see how many people are now headache free from their care at Core Health Darien. Why don't you make an appointment and join them in being headache free.

Natural Arthritis Pain Relief

Chiropractic Eases Arthritis Pain Naturally

What causes arthritis?

It is not just advancing age that you can have arthritis pain. Joint pain is an early sign that you may have arthritis. Clinically arthritis is three things. Joint pain is one part of arthritis, the other contributing factors are lack of mobility and wearing away of the joint. This can be caused by years of stress on the affected joints. Arthritis pain can be from autoimmune disorders like Rheumatoid or Psoriatic arthritis.

Autoimmune disorders like Psoriatic and Rheumatoid Arthritis will only receive palliative arthritis pain relief with chiropractic care. These conditions require medicine and physical therapy Osteoarthritis also called degenerative joint disease are the standard bread and butter types of arthritis that can benefit from chiropractic care.

The chiropractic adjustment will help put bones into a better location to ease the pain and stress that subluxated bones cause on the axial skeletal system. Core Health Darien has been helping osteoarthritis sufferers for 30 years. Our treatment is a lot easier on your stomach as well Long term use of ibuprofen hurts your liver, kidneyS, and stomach. Chiropractic care for arthritis is a natural way to mitigate pain from degenerative joint disease.

Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain

Plantar Fasciitis Relief in Stamford, Darien, Norwalk

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that causes severe pain around the heel and into the plantar (bottom) surface of the foot. The fascia is covering of the muscles when the muscles on the bottom of the foot are strained fasciitis sets in.

Hence, the name plantar fasciitis. It is a frustrating pain because there are numerous sensory nerves along the plantar surface. Core Health has a comprehensive solution that will solve even the most stubborn cases of heel pain.

Many will try rest and OTC medication to address heel pain from plantar fasciitis. These tend to be ineffective for difficult cases of heel pain. Heavy set inactive people get plantar fasciitis too, it is not just runners. Both get the terrible heel pain but for different reasons. So what are your options for treating plantar fasciitis?

Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy

Chiropractic Help for Back & Pelvic Pain during Pregnancy

Core Health Darien offers safe, comfortable care for our pregnant patients Whether you are having pregnancy back and hip pain or you are experiencing pregnancy back and leg pain. Core Health Darien is here to help you with safe, comfortable chiropractic care during your pregnancy. Since you cannot take medications while pregnant, we offer natural relief.

Many Obstetrician's refer their patients who have back and hip pain to Core Health Darien because they trust us. We urge you to seek care early on to avoid back, hip, and leg pain during pregnancy. Don't forget that we really help with headaches as well. When you medicine can harm your baby turn to safe, comfortable, chiropractic care to help you get out of pain naturally.

Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief

Relief for Chronic Sciatic Nerve Pain

What is the main cause of sciatica?

It's usually caused when a herniated disk or bone spur in the spine presses on the L5/SI nerve root. This can be quite a painful event. Often when the patient moves there is increased pressure onto the thick sciatic nerve. The nerve forms from the spine at the L5/S1 levels and can be trapped by the piriformis muscle. The sciatic nerve passes thru the sciatic notch.

Pain originates in the spine and radiates down the back of the leg. Sciatica typically affects only one side of the body. Chronic hip subluxations can put added pressure onto the sciatic nerve. A stable base is indicated to properly support the spine. The pelvis is foundational in its support of the axial skeleton.

Chiropractors can help people with sciatic nerve pain by reducing subluxations and restoring the pelvis to its proper position.

Spinal Stenosis Back Pain

Spinal Stenosis Causing Back Pain

I think I have stenosis pain, What causes stenosis?

Spinal Stenosis causing Back & Neck Pain

It is not just advancing age that you can cause you to have spinal stenosis related back pain. Back pain is an early sign that you may have spinal stenosis. Clinically spinal stenosis is three things. Joint pain is one part of spinal stenosis, the other contributing factors are lack of mobility and thickening of the tissue around the spinal column. The difficult part of stenosis is when it leads to myelopathy where the spinal cord actually chokes due to the closed opening. Stenosis is when you have a opening that has become narrowed. Perhaps a good way to think of stenosis is in heart attacks. The arteries become blocked or stenotic and that causes the heart to not get enough blood flow resulting in a heart attack. Loose tissue can be another cause of stenosis in the spine. The extra tissue bundles around the spine almost choking it. Here is where spinal decompression can open and expand the disc to tighten up the loose tissue.

Core Health Darien also uses cold laser to treat lower back pain due to spinal stenosis. The low level light therapy provides energy in the form of ATP to fire up the mitochondria to allow for faster more efficient healing. Exercise is also a terrific way to deal with spinal stenosis and its related back pain. We also use spinal decompression to reduce pain and inflammation that contributes to spinal stenosis back pain.