Server Info + Faction rules


Our server consists of Safe zones marked in green circles (these are usually traders) and PVP zones marked in red circles. 

Electro is our Role play town, please see our RP rules on this website. If you would like an RP role please see discord.

Green Mountain trader is where you will be able to buy the majority of items you wish to have on the server. However some items are only findable! Our other traders are mainly for hunting or vehicles. Black Market is where you will find the best items to buy, and sell 👀 However it is a 24/7 PVP zone with high risk high reward!

Safe zones are strictly NO pvp zones.

 If you kill someone who is outside of a pvp zone you will be marked as murderer and shown to the whole server.

Please clean up after yourself at our traders. There are bins provided. Anyone found to be leaving their things on the floor will be fined 5k each time by admin. Respect our traders please.



To create a faction you need at least 3 members to begin with. 

The maximum size of factions on our server is 8 people. Any factions found to be allying, including solo and duos will be banned from the remainder of raid weekend + days discussed. 

During raiding a maximum of 6 people completing one raid is allowed. This is to level the playing field with solo and duo bases.