Cord blood banking Canada

Benefits of Stem Cells Present In the Umbilical Cord Blood

The blood contained from the placenta and umbilical cord after baby is born and the cord is being take off is known as the Umbilical cord blood. This cord serves as the connector of the baby with the placenta. The placenta gradually grows in the uterus and also supplies the baby with the essential nutrients to support life, such as oxygen and food. This is the reason the umbilical cord plays a crucial role leading up to the two months before delivery.

Need for preservation

Although typically. Even the cord blood samples are lost once the umbilical cord and placenta will be removed after baby birth, now preserving these blood samples have been quite useful for the curing ailments such as nausea and cancer. The demand for donating and preserving cord blood is more vital than ever . It's been medically shown that the stem cells found in cord bloods are more vital than those which are present in bone marrow. Some of the significant benefits have been highlighted below.


They may be used instantly when it reaches the blood bank.

The chances of succeeding ratios in cases of stem cell transplant are gains by many multiples. People using these transplant are far not as likely to suffer with some other infections as compared to bone loss barrow stem cell transplantations.

Safe, easy means of collection: When it comes to collecting the stem cell samples from bone marrow, your individual needs to be given proper anesthetic treatment from before. Even though the process of extracting might not be debilitating by the individual is very likely to suffer from spine pain for a day or two as a result of healing wound of their surgery. There are also risks of minor complications throughout these procedures. When stem cells are being collected from blood, the individual should be injected a couple of shots.

This process would also result in those with muscle aches, bone aches and many more sideeffects. But in case of donating cord blood there are no need for the average person to go under the knife for any added procedures aside from child birth and in addition, there are no chances of having any side effects.