Here, we document the ERA5 dataset, which covers the period from January 1940 to the present and continues to be extended forward in near real time. For up to date information on ERA5, please consult the C3S Announcements on the Copernicus user forum.

ERA5 is produced using 4D-Var data assimilation and model forecasts in CY41R2 of the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System (IFS), with 137 hybrid sigma/pressure (model) levels in the vertical and the top level at 0.01 hPa. Atmospheric data are available on these levels and they are also interpolated to 37 pressure, 16 potential temperature and 1 potential vorticity level(s) by FULL-POS in the IFS. "Surface or single level" data are also available, containing 2D parameters such as precipitation, top of atmosphere radiation and vertical integrals over the entire depth of the atmosphere. The atmospheric model in the IFS is coupled to a land-surface model (HTESSEL), which produces parameters such as 2m temperature and soil temperatures, and an ocean wave model (WAM), the parameters of which are also designated as "Surface or single level" parameters.

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The ERA5 dataset contains one (hourly, 31 km) high resolution realisation (referred to as "reanalysis" or "HRES") and a reduced resolution ten member ensemble (referred to as "ensemble" or "EDA"). The ensemble is required for the data assimilation procedure, but as a by-product also provides an estimate of the relative, random uncertainty. Generally, the data are available at a sub-daily and monthly frequency and consist of analyses and short (18 hour) forecasts, initialised twice daily from analyses at 06 and 18 UTC. Most analysed parameters are also available from the forecasts. However, there are a number of forecast parameters, e.g. mean rates/fluxes and accumulations, that are not available from the analyses.

The data are archived in the ECMWF data archive (MARS) and a pertinent sub-set of the data, interpolated to a regular latitude/longitude grid, has been copied to the C3S Climate Data Store (CDS) disks. On the CDS disks, where single level and pressure level data are available, analyses are provided rather than forecasts, unless the parameter is only available from the forecasts. The interpolation software (MIR) was updated when the ERA5 production was moved to the new ATOS HPC on 24 October 2022.

For MARS, the final ERA5 data are available about two months after the month in question. In addition, the last few months of data are kept online and can be accessed much quicker than older data on tape.

In the event that serious flaws are detected in ERA5T, the latter could be different to the final ERA5 data. Based on experience with the production of ERA5 so far (and ERA-Interim in the past), our expectation is that such an event would not occur often. So far, it has only occurred once:

Data assimilation is a process whereby a model forecast is blended with observations to obtain the best fit to both the forecast and the observations, given the known uncertainties of both. The result is called an analysis (of the state of the atmosphere). For the atmospheric parameters in ERA5, the 4D-Variational (4D-Var) data assimilation windows are 12 hours long, commencing after the first 3 hours of the short forecasts. All the available observations within each 12 hour window are considered by the system, though some might be discarded for various reasons, such as quality control. Some of the parameters under the category "Surface or single level" parameters, are produced by the Land-surface scheme, which uses 1D and 2D Optimal Interpolation and Extended Kalman Filter, data assimilation. The ERA5 MARS archive contains both the analyses and short forecasts. On the CDS disks, where single level and pressure level data are available, analyses are provided rather than forecasts, unless the parameter is only available from the forecasts.

The above data assimilation process, or something similar, is performed for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), which provides real time forecasts (and analyses) for many purposes and applications. It would be tempting to use the data produced therein, for climate purposes. However, NWP systems are being improved on a regular basis - typically twice per year at ECMWF. Therefore, the NWP data contain various abrupt changes, due to system improvements, which are mixed in with changes in the climate. Reanalysis avoids this problem by using a fixed NWP system to "re-analyse" the state of the atmosphere for long periods in the past. It should be remembered, however, that spurious changes will still be included in the reanalysis, due to changes in the observing system. The ERA5 data assimilation and forecasting system was used operationally for NWP in 2016. Once this fixed system becomes too old, the reanalysis should be re-done with a more modern, fixed system. Although "reanalysis" suggests that only analyses are provided, the short forecasts are also made available, as noted above.

The full ERA5 and ERA5T datasets are held in the ECMWF data archive (MARS) and a pertinent sub-set of these data, interpolated to a regular latitude/longitude grid, has been copied to the C3S Climate Data Store (CDS) disks. ERA5.1 is not available from the CDS disks, but is available from MARS (for advice on using ERA5.1 in conjunction with ERA5, CDS data, see "ERA5: mixing CDS and MARS data" in Guidelines). On the CDS disks, where most single level and pressure level parameters are available, analyses are provided rather than forecasts, unless the parameter is only available from the forecasts.

ERA5 data on the CDS disks can be downloaded either from the relevant CDS download page or, for larger data volumes in particular, using the CDS API. Subdivisions of the data are labelled using dataset and product_type.

In MARS: the date and time of the data is specified with three MARS keywords: date, time and (forecast) step. For analyses, step=0 hours so that date and time specify the analysis date/time. For forecasts, date and time specify the forecast start time and step specifies the number of hours since that start time. The combination of date, time and step defines the validity date/time. For analyses, the validity date/time is equal to the analysis date/time.

In the CDS: analyses are provided rather than forecasts, unless the parameter is only available from the forecasts. The date and time of the data is specified using the validity date/time, so step does not need to be specified. For forecasts, steps between 1 and 12 hours have been used to provide data for all the validity times in each 24 hours, see Table 0 below.

The interpolation method is based on the MIR software. For the production on the Cray HPC (1 January 1940 to 24 October 2022 inclusive) this was an early version of MIR, while for the production on ATOS (25 October 2022 onwards) this is based on the MIR version of the ECMWF MARS client. Differences between both versions are in general small, very localized and not meteorologically significant. For data on pressure levels, differences are mainly limited to the exact north and south pole (90N and 90S). For single-level data, for some fields there are differences at the poles as well, while for some other fields, there are additional sets of isolated points with differences. In both cases this represents an improvement of the interpolation software.

In order to define the surface geopotential in ERA5, the IFS uses surface elevation data interpolated from a combination of SRTM30 and other surface elevation datasets. For more details please see the IFS documentation, Cycle 41r2, Part IV. Physical processes, section 11.2.2 Surface elevation data at 30 arc seconds.

The IFS assumes that the underlying shape of the Earth is a perfect sphere, of radius 6371.229 km, with the surface elevation specified relative to that sphere. The geodetic latitude/longitude of the surface elevation datasets are used as if they were the spherical latitude/longitude of the IFS.

ERA5 data is referenced in the horizontal with respect to the WGS84 ellipse (which defines the major/minor axes) and in the vertical it is referenced to the EGM96 geoid over land but over ocean it is referenced to mean sea level, with the approximation that this is assumed to be coincident with the geoid. For more information on the relationship between mean sea level and the geoid, see for example Gregory et al. (2019).

A discontinuity can occur at the transition between the different experiments. Please see the Known issues for an example. The degree of discontinuity depends on how well the experiments were "spun-up". How well "spun-up" an experiment is, depends on the initial, chosen, state of the atmosphere and land surface at the beginning of the experiment, how long the experiment is run for, before being used for production, and the parameter(s) of interest - some parameters, such as those for the deeper soil and for the higher atmospheric levels, take longer to spin-up than others.

The information below gives the date ranges for the various production experiments (and hence the transition points) for the final version of ERA5 and also indicates when the computing system changed from the Cray to the ATOS.

Note, that forecasts start from the relevant analysis at the forecast start date/time, so the provenance of the whole of each forecast is the same as that of the analysis at the forecast start date/time.

ERA5 is produced using 4D-Var data assimilation and model forecasts in CY41R2 of the IFS. The 4D-Var in ERA5 utilises 12 hour assimilation windows from 9-21 UTC and 21-9 UTC, where the background forecast and all the observations falling within a time window are used to specify all the analyses during that window. However, the accuracy of the analyses is not uniform throughout each window. If the model and observations are unbiased and their errors follow Gaussian distributions and if the observations are homogeneous in space and time, then the analysis error will be smallest in the middle of the assimilation window. However, because none of these assumptions are actually true in the IFS, the particular parameter and location of interest are important, too. Knowing that, a careful study should show at which points during the assimilation windows the analysis is most accurate.


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