This tool permits the user to convert latitude and longitude between decimal degrees and degrees, minutes, and seconds. For convenience, a link is included to the National Geodetic Survey's NADCON program, which allows conversions between the NAD83 / WGS84 coordinate system and the older NAD27 coordinate system. NAD27 coordinates are presently used for broadcast authorizations and applications.

This tool is all about GPS coordinates conversion. As soon as you modify one end of the data (either the decimal or sexagesimal degrees coordinates), the other end is simultaneously updated by the coordinates converter, as well as the position on the map.

Coordinate Converter


You can also start to convert latitude and longitude by clicking on the map, which will pre-fill the fields with the GPS coordinates of the location you clicked on. In any case, the address will not be geocoded automatically. If you want to convert the GPS coordinates into an address, you have to click on the button "Get Address" below the decimal coordinates. Click on my location if you need your current location coordinates.

Hello, ...I don't think I'm understanding how the 'Coordinate Conversion' tool works; doesn't seem very intuitive. See below. So, I used the 'Map Point Tool' to click on a point. In the 'Enter a coordinate' box/List of coordinates box' -- where is it getting this coordinate system info? This is a New blank Map set to WGS84 Web Mercator auxiliary sphere. My Map Display coordinates are in Decimal Degrees.

it sounds like the coordinates widget is giving you a positive longitude in the eastern hemisphere. Is that correct? What output system are you using for that widget? Does it match what you're using for the conversion widget?

It looks like you have found a bug in the Coordinates Widget. When set to degrees decimal minutes, the coordinates displayed do not have +/- or N/S/E/W indicators. By standard geographic conventions, the Eastern and Northern hemispheres are positive and the Western and Southern hemispheres are negative, so the Coordinate Conversion Widget is behaving rationally sending you to the wrong hemisphere.

Hi @KatieHansen_NIFCAdmin I'm the Product owner of the coordinate conversion widget. It looks like the issue is with the coordinate widget. I understand your workflow is to input the coordinates in coordinate conversion widget but am wondering the use case for getting coordinates from coordinate widget instead of using the add point feature in coordinate conversion widget?

Hi @SubaKrishnanĀ 

Thank you for your message! I am tracking the new "BUG-000163706: Experience Builder Coordinate widget provides the wrong coordinates in Degrees Decimal Minute" regarding this issue. I will use the Coordinate Conversion widget without the Coordinates widget as an input.

I do have another case open related to the conversion widget that addresses the settings of the coordinate input format, but, as is, if I ask my users to input the coordinates in a specific format it will send them to the correct location.

Hi @KatieHansen_NIFCAdmin I did some research, and this coordinate conversion widget is built on top of the JS API widget. The behavior you're seeing is by design. In the default coordinate display, each capital letter represents a variable. For DDM, the variables are Y (degrees north/south), A (minutes north/south), N (N/S marker), X (degrees east/west), B (minutes east/west), and E (E/W marker). Each variable will be swapped out by the corresponding value from the actual coordinate for display purposes. So, the variable E will be swapped out with 'E' or 'W' in the displayed coordinate. But W isn't a valid variable, so replacing the E with a W will get rid of the 'E'/'W' hemisphere marker and always show the letter W (as you noticed).

The goal of the coordinate display setting is to add/remove strings to/from the coordinate (like , ', or the comma), delete sections of the coordinate the user might not be interested in, or move sections of the coordinate around (e.g. showing X, Y instead of Y, X).

I am trying to create an output format in the Coordinate Conversion widget so the coordinates appear in latitude, longitude format w/o reference to S/N or E/W, and the value is signed. For example, a coordinate here in the northeast would preferably appear as: 43.752842, -74.690601.

Most users will likely not ever enter coordinates any more: you zoom in/out in WED to any place in the world you want to go, WED 1.8 is downloading real time 1m satellite imagery or OSM maps, so if your runway leaves any discernable marks in either of these two, just see-it, click-it, done.

If you want to verify your result - set in WED's preference that you want to read DMS instead of DD.DDD, put your cursor over the place you're curious about and read the coordinates at the bottom of the screen in the way you prefer.

Mostly interesting for sector file managers is the coordinates converter (earlier called coordinates importer). It accepts a large number of coordinate formats, including some AIP description formats of airspaces. Just enter what you have on the left and see immediately the result (both in text and a drawing on Google Maps). In some cases, adjustments of the input text might be necessary to create the desired output.

Also updated is a tool to easily draw runway extended centerlines. The threshold coordinate can be of any value accepted by the coordinates converter. The runway direction and the ticks can then be easily configured.

Thanks for your kind words. There was indeed an issue with AIP coordinates from the German AIP compared to the previous version, mainly because the algorithm used (which is just a very complex regex) was completely changed in order to capture more types of coordinate formats. Jannik made me aware of this issue already and I implemented a fix a few days ago. Could you check if the AIP coordinates now work for you as well?

The coordinates converter is now accepting even more formats. I've added more details about them in the placeholder text of the input box. I've also added details there how to use the tool to draw circles (it was possible already before, but not properly documented). Any coordinate format can be followed by a dash and numerical value, which represents the radius in nautical miles, to draw a circle. If only a specific radial or an arc should be drawn, use another slash followed by the numbers for the radial and optionally either > (to draw clockwise), < (to draw counter-clockwise) or - (to draw the shortest way) plus the radial where the arc should end again.

Remember that a large number of syntaxes used in AIP can be used directly, including descriptions of arcs and even tangents around two center coordinates. If you find a format or text example that doesn't work, reply to this thread. Maybe I can add support for even more formats.

The coordinates converter now also interprets 5LNC (5 letter name codes of waypoints) and navaid identifiers. This was already an option earlier, but required some improvement and re-coding due to different changes to the code in the meantime. Waypoints and navaids need to be written in upper case. Their names can be used like any other coordinate format, and even combinations are possible. If a waypoint or navaid is the first coordinate of a group and multiple matches are found, all results are added in individual groups. If a waypoint or navaid follows any other coordinate and multiple matches are found, the closest only is taken.

I have noticed that when I input decimal coordinates it does not correctly "translate" them, making them very offset.

The error seems to occur on the latitude, however the longitude seems to match. Have tried with several coordinates in different regions of the world and all has the same effect.

When trying to draw a circle or arc with coordinates in the Southern Hemisphere the system returns the "correct" coordinates but for the Northern Hemisphere.

Input used:

S033.21.22.680 W056.29.45.964

circle(radius 30nm, S033.21.22.680 W056.29.45.964)

I have a slight problem with converting one drawing from one coordinate system to another. Particular coordinate systems are Palestine 1923 (Clark 1880 Benoit) and UTM-WGS 1984, datum, Zone 37 North. I have coordinates for the points in the area of both coordinate systems, however when I try to convert these certain points (or line between points in this case) from one coordinate system to another, it does not make the conversion properly. It is not offset with few meters, it is completely off.

What have described is all the right steps it seems to me. I have never had an issue with AutoCad Map 3D erring when doing what you have stated. However, it would be a good idea for you to start over with new files that have no coordinate system projections on them and go through the steps once again. This typically is an operator error rather than software error.

Anyways I would still like to sort out what exactly is the cause of the conversation issues, is it either problem with wrong coordinates being submited to us or is it map3d that is not doing it correctly.

Anyways, situation is following, I have 4 quadrangular areas with 4 points, one is in Palestine 1923 on Clark 1880 ellipsoid (spheroid) and other is in UTM37N on WGS84 ellipsoid. These 2 areas are supposed to match 1 on 1 (altough in either coordinate system the area is supposed to be already in the beginning slightly different), but when I do my conversion from one system to another there is clear offset as seen on picture below. Conversion was done from palestine to UTM, but same thing happens when done opposite.

I am also going to add the coordinates on here, so that maybe somebody can possibly check it with either map3d or any other possible map software in order to find out what exactly does not add up here. Lots of thanks in advance.

I am wondering now if Map 3D may have a problem with the coordinate systems your using. I primarily work in U.S. State Plane systems. At times I will receive data that is UTM WGS and I have yet to have an issue with it. e24fc04721

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