All about the chicks

I purchased my eggs from a lady that breeds chickens and other fowls. She has a lovely place where her birds can roam free and forage for yummy grubs. Below is a photo of the eggs and different types of chicken she has at her homestead.

D'Uccle Hens

These little girls were so cute and small in sized compared to other hens. They were maybe 2/3 the size of a regular hen. 

Polish Hen

These were so sweet when my little one picked her up. I wondered if she could really see. 

Silky Hen

She also has nake neck silkies as well. They were super silly looking!

Our 12 eggs!

The above hens are three of the four types that we bought from our seller. The last type is the Barn Yard Mix, they are just different breeds mixed together and they lay different color eggs. I love the light green and dark brown eggs. They are my favorites!