Desk/Nightstand clock app with custom bezel.

This is a desk/nightstand clock app that allows you to choose custom colors for the clock bezel and the clock face.  You can choose two colors for the bezel and two colors for the face (with a gradient between the two face colors).  For example, you can choose the colors of your country's flag or the colors of your favorite team.  You can also reduce the screen brightness at night (default is 7pm to 7am).

There are also four preset color schemes to choose from:

- Soda Bezel

- Superhero Bezel

- Black Bezel

- Bumblebee Bezel

The clock has the following complications:

 - date box

 - 24-hour dial

 - day of week dial

 - battery level dial

Next alarm displayed as arrow marker on periphery of dial:

 - green arrow marker for am alarm

 - red arrow marker for pm alarm

 - blue dash over 12 o'clock marker if no alarm

Note that this application cannot be used to set an alarm.  To set an alarm, use your device's typical alarm/clock app.

Battery level dial:

 - 100%-50%:  green pointer

 - 50%-25%:   yellow pointer

 - 25%-0%:    red pointer


 - four preset color schemes or choose two custom colors

 - three full rotations (one rotation 

    per 5s) at one minute past the hour

 - bezel's 12 o'clock marker shows red dot 

    when phone is charging

Clock face:

 - four preset color schemes or choose two custom colors 

Clock "walks" across screen to prevent pixel burn-in.

Seconds "moon" orbits in shadow around clock in sync with second hand.

Link to Google Play Store