Wordle Unlimited

You can play Wordle forever. As many times as you want, you can play. There is also a Wordle solver.

In Wordle, you have to figure out "the hidden word," which is a 5-letter word. There are versions of this game where you have to guess words with 6 or even 7 letters, but the most popular is the one where you have to guess words with 5 letters.

You have 6 chances to guess the word.

So, you start by typing a real word from the dictionary. When you type in your guess and hit "Enter," your guess will be sent. The letter background will change colour.

The best way to start is with a word with a lot of vowels. Some people find that starting with the word IRATE or ARISE is helpful.

You can click the backspace button to get rid of your guess. As was said, it has to be a real word that can be found in a dictionary. If it's not, you'll get a warning.

If you find the right word, your statistics will show up in a pop-up window. You can share the results with your friends or play again.