In an old area of Hong Kong, Sky is now an acclaimed chef at Seven. However, the Li Management Group arrives and starts buying various properties of the old sector, including developing Stellar for Paul. The opening of Stellar proves to be a threat to Sky as these two chefs find themselves fighting for the best ingredients in the markets and maintaining their clientele. Stellar's fine haute cuisine represents a form of aggressive gentrification to the neighborhood and a threat to traditional Chinese cuisine. Their rivalry begins with a challenge for the best fish and the culinary masters agreed to face each other in a culinary duel. Sky makes a traditional salt-baked duck while Paul makes a foie gras sorbet. While both tied in points, the judges declare Paul the victor, as his dish presentation was superior to Sky's bland plating. Although the victory should've solidified Paul's abilities as a cook, things do not go as expected.

Sky bumps into Paul drinking at an event stadium. Both share their past and troubles, and find mutual respect for each other. Both have a common goal of reaching the culinary top and decided to team up. At Seven, the Li Group wants Uncle Seven to sign away his restaurant, but Uncle Seven refuses. Paul and Sky then appear, announcing their partnership. Paul reminds the manager that as the winner of the competition, he is eligible to compete at the culinary championship, not the Li Group. Surprised by that technicality, the Li Group leaves, hypocritically calling Paul a traitor but not before Paul headbutted the manager in revenge. Sky trains Paul in the ways of Chinese cooking as well as developing Paul's limited palate to help create something new for the competition.

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Before the final round, Paul points out only one chef can compete against Mountain and he realizes Sky's desire to beat Mountain was a very personal one. Grateful he managed to make it this far with his condition, Paul gives Sky the chance to face his father. In the final competition, Sky finally faces his father, and the judges allow the two to cook anything they want as long as it is considered the highest expression of cooking. While Mountain begins cooking, Sky is distracted by his thoughts about how Seven and the people in the neighborhood mean the most to him. Mountain angrily splashes water at his son's face, demanding that he focus and show him something. Mountain creates a beautiful artistic sugar display of molten lava with a single flower on top. Sky cooks something far more personal: an interpretation of the original noodle dish that Mountain made all those years ago before abandoning Sky. Before the judges can score the dish, Sky gives the bowl of noodles to Mountain, who is moved as he remembers what the noodles represent. Acknowledging his skills as a chef, Mountain calls his son brilliant before Sky walks off the stage. Mountain continues to emotionally eat his noodles, with the victor unclear.

CHICAGO - Ten Preliminary Damage Assessment teams found sufficient evidence to request a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Federal Disaster Declaration. Since Tuesday, joint teams comprised of local, state, and federal officials have been deployed in the sweltering heat and humidity to assess flash flooding damages in Cicero, Berwyn, Stickney, and Chicago's west side that occurred on July 2nd, 2023.

"Due to storms and flooding in early July, many Illinoisans were left with severe home and property damage," said Governor JB Pritzker. "When local resources have been exhausted, assistance from the federal government can unlock more tools to help those in need and I'm hopeful this request will be approved. Thank you to our damage assessment teams and everyone on the ground working to make sure our residents have what they need to heal and rebuild." 

"Teams have visited over 2,800 residences, which is a sufficient survey to validate the extent of the damage. Therefore, no further residences need to be verified." said Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) Director Alicia Tate-Nadeau. "The state, through FEMA, will now ask for an expedited FEMA Major Disaster Declaration from the President."

Should this declaration request be approved, anyone living in Cook County that sustained probable damage directly related to the July 2nd, 2023 flash flood would be eligible to apply for Individual Assistance.

Governor JB Pritzker previously signed an Illinois disaster proclamation for the severe weather and derecho in Central Illinois on June 29th, 2023 and the flash flood storm in Cook County on July 2nd, 2023.

Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS): 

IEMA-OHS Twitter | IEMA-OHS Meta | IEMA-OHS Instagram | IEMA-OHS YouTube

Every year in late October, Lake Superior shows her wild side. Low-pressure systems from the Arctic swing down over Lake Superior and bump into warmer systems fed by the jet stream. These collisions can spawn ferocious and legendary Gales of November. If you get a thrill from waves and wind, Cook County has plenty of snug harbors that make perfect places for epic storm-watching. Some favorites include:

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I have loved forecasting for much of my life, and I even made several attempts at forecastingweather -- particularly severe storms -- as early as grade school.I was terrified of storms when I was younger.However, around high school, that fear evolved into a passion.I pursued severe weather forecasting and research as much as I could throughout my early schooling,and I eventually became immersed in these topics when I started at Jackson State University.

About nine months into operating the clinic for asylum seekers, Cook County Health is bracing for a financial storm of sorts, as one headwind converges with another. All told, the health system is anticipating at least a $40 million drop in revenue this year.

A Cantonese style cook Sky Ko (Nicholas Tse) competes against a French-trained Michelin star chef Paul Ahn (Jung Yong-hwa). Both have different cooking styles but they soon discover that they have more in common through their passion for food and their tragic life stories.

I also began to contemplate Mormon cooking. My mother is a retired home economics teacher, and knew well how to can entire tree of peaches, sans the actual tree, leaves, and peach fuzz. And how my grandmother knew how to stretch a pinch of wheat flour until it seemed a full cup.

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As your brain goes a thousand miles per second, juggling all the dishes you have to prepare, a thought pops into your head: "Do we put linguine or tagliatelle in the Cabaretti Special?"

You drop the pan and start running to your cookbook for the answer. You start furiously scrolling through your recipes. A floating paper flies from your book to the floor as pages turn. You drop on your knees to pick it up when you hear your boss from across the kitchen.

This is a storm-cooking deck -- our goal is to assemble all the ingredients to make the perfect storm and serve it to our friends around the table. While we're cooking, we'll be punishing our opponents serving appetizers to our friends to make sure we have time to finish our recipe.

This is the base ingredient for any good storm: we need to find a way to keep having mana to burn as we cast our entire deck for the win. To do so, we will leverage our two primary resources: Tokens and +1/+*1 counters.

+1/+*1 counters

On top of the tokens, we're going to abuse +1/+1 counters using creatures who can turn their power into colored mana:

- Kami of Whispered Hopes: Probably one of the strongest dorks in this list since it can tap to generate its strength worth of any color of mana AND adds an extra +1/+1 counter.

- Incubation Druid: Can tap for three mana of any one color as long as she has at least one +1/+1 counter on her -- making her the best turn 2 play in this deck.

- Runaway Steam-Kin: Can remove three +1/+1 counters from itself to generate RRR -- With 1/4 of the cards in our deck being red, most cast will result in adding two +1/+1 counters on him to support our storm.

- Heronblade Elite: Similar to Kami, it can tap to generate its strength worth of any color of mana. Our deck runs 15 humans, allowing us to add two +1/+1 counters on all these casts.

- Crystalline Crawler: By far the best engine to leverage +1/+1 counters since it doesn't need to tap to generate mana -- every cast from exile is an extra mana of any color we can use to keep the storm going.

Once we've assembled the mana to make sure our storm is brewing, we need to find a way to continuously draw cards from our deck to feed the storm. To do this, we will use a similar strategy -- leveraging our tokens and counters to turn them into draw.

+1/+1 counters

- Dusk Legion Duelist: Amazing new addition to the deck; this card can make you draw up to four cards per turn rotation (assuming other players want to play the card from exile) while pumping into a massive vigilance creature that can both hit and defend on every turn.

- Mindless Automaton: The greatest draw engine in the game -- if you get a counter doubler on the board, each card cast from exile will allow you to draw another card.

- Greater Good: Since this deck goes wild and tall, greater good allows us to sack some of our large mana dorks to keep the storm going. On top of this, we run a big discard subtheme (more on that in the next section about exile), so discarding is a massive advantage for our build. e24fc04721

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