John Conway Spirited Seminar Series

Department of Mathematics 

A Channel for Dissemination & Collaboration of Mathematical Knowledge

An ambiance of learning through Collaboration

Ari laptev (Imperial College London, UK) 

Title: Calogero Type Bounds in Two Dimensions. 

Schedule: November 28, 2022.  (4:00PM-5:00PM)

Recording Link

Claudio Arezzo (ICTP, Italy)

Title: 'Canonical riemannian metrics on algebraic manifolds '.

Schedule: November 14, 2022.  (4:00PM-5:00PM)

Recording Link

Hiraku Nakajima (University of Tokyo, Japan)

Title: 'A mathematical definition of Coulomb branches of 3d N=4 SUSY gauge theories'.

Schedule: October 31, 2022.  (4:00PM-5:00PM)

Recording Link

Eric Dolores Cuenca (Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea

Title: 'Order Series'.

Schedule: October 24, 2022.  (4:00PM-5:00PM)

Neena Gupta (ISI, India

Title: Polynomials and power series: May they forever rule the world?

Schedule: October 17, 2022.  (4:00PM-5:00PM)

Recording Link 

Francesco Brenti (University of Rome, Italy

Title: Graphs, stable permutations, and Cuntz algebra automorphisms. 

Schedule: October 10, 2022.  (4:00PM-5:00PM)

Recording Link

Mateusz Michalek (University of Konstanz, Germany)

Enumerative Geometry meets Statistics, Combinatorics and Topology. 

Schedule: September 19, 2022.  (4:00PM-5:00PM)

Recording Link

Asad A. Abidi (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)

Title: Teaching of Integral Transform Methods. 

Schedule: September 05, 2022.  (4:00PM-5:00PM)

Hara Charalambous (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Title:  The relative canonical ideal for a large family of curves: generating sets and betti numbers

Schedule: May 23, 2022  (4:00PM - 5:00PM) PKST 

Haniya Azam (Lahore University Of Managements Sciences , Pakistan)

Title:  Topological Fukaya category of surfaces

Schedule: May 16, 2022.  (4:00PM - 5:00PM) PKST 

Recording Link

Bernd Sturmfels (MPI Leipzig Germany, UC Berkley, US)

Title:  Linear PDE with Constant Coefficients

Schedule: March 28, 2022  (4:00PM - 5:00PM) PKST 

Recording Link  


Arni S.R. Srinivasa Rao (Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University (Georgia), USA)

Title:  Multilevel contours within complex plane bundles

Schedule: March 21, 2022  (4:00PM - 5:00PM) PKST 

Recording Link

Nichloas Kevlahan  (McMaster University, Canada)

Title:  Towards a wavelet-based dynamically adaptive climate model

Schedule: March 18, 2022  (4:00PM - 5:00PM) PKST 

Recording Link


Nadir Martinge (Mathematics and Application Laboratory, University of Poitiers, France)

Title: Some topics in modern algebraic number theory

Schedule: February 14, 2022  (4:00PM - 5:00PM) PKST 

Recording Link