Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Convosation

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy applies to the Convosation app, designed to enhance conversations through AI-generated conversation starters and user voting. This policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect user data.

2. Information Collection

Convosation collects limited data from its users. Upon installation, the app generates a unique identifier (UUID) that is stored within the app. When a user votes on a conversation topic, this UUID and the vote choice are uploaded to our servers. No other personal data is collected.

3. Use of Information

The collected data (UUID and vote choices) is used solely for the purpose of assigning ratings to conversation topics and generating new topics. This process is integral to the app's functionality and user experience.

4. Data Sharing and Disclosure

We do not share any data with third parties. All information collected by Convosation is used exclusively for the app's intended purpose as described in this policy.

5. Data Security

Convosation is committed to protecting your data. We implement standard security measures to ensure the safety of the information we collect.

6. User Rights

Since Convosation does not collect personal information, there are limited user rights applicable. The app does not store data that can be used to identify individual users.

7. Policy Updates

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. Users are encouraged to periodically review this policy for any changes. Changes to the policy will be effective immediately upon being posted to our app or website.