Safety 1st onBoard 35 Air 360 Infant Car Seat

Providing five layers of safety, this LATCH-equipped Safety 1st car seat fits infants from four pounds to toddlers of 35 pounds in a rear-facing configuration

Shielded in the deep seat structure, your little one is further protected by AirProtect advanced side-impact protection and GCell HX patented race car foam for crash energy absorption

Babies car sear

Everything is wonderful except the canopy part at the top is not the best. It doesnt stay put when you pull it over the seat, it kind of retracts back

The canopy is just fine! One of the panels was just folded under. 10/10 would recommend.

I read about 200 reviews on all sorts of car seats and found this one to be our best fit. The extra padding is lovely and it's about average on weight. I saw a lot of complaints about the canopy and AT FIRST I had the same problem.

However, the very front part of the canopy was actually folded under and I didn't notice, we popped it forward and it stays in place now! I think it was just like that for shipping purposes. It's also super easy to install in the car and only took a couple minutes.

It is a slightly bigger carseat because of all the padding but I drive an SUV so it fits just fine with available seating on both sides. Our baby is due here in a couple weeks so I'll come back and update after we actually have baby in it!

Update!!! Baby is now almost 4 months old and we still love this carseat! He also seems to enjoy it as well! My son is also a hot body and we personally haven't had any sweating issues once we took the newborn head support piece out. When it was in there, yes, he sweat a lot. Overall still a 5 out of 5 for us!

For how much you end up spending on this infant car seat there are things that shouldn't happen with it... You expect more quality. For example: The canopy (the shade thing) wont stay up! For the life of me I pull it to get the sun our of his eyes or when its raining and walking to/from the car... the canopy will fall back down.

Not matter what I do! I cant keep it to stay up in place! Also, you can imagine a newborn baby not be muddy/dirty like a toddler may be. There are literally brown rub spots from where his feet (heals) are in the car seat.

Like most distressed babies, when they cry they kick their legs/feet back and forth... there are stains there. It makes no since. Long story short, if I could go back I would purchase a different seat originally. To spend this much on a seat I would expect the quality to be much better.

It's easy to use. I like that it offers 4 different height adjustments and higher weight compacity. It was a nice snug fit when my son was a newborn. His head stayed put. I've since then removed the newborn inserts and now he can look around.

The sunshade gets annoying because it will not stay up. I mean that's what it's for. Might as well not even put one on the carseat. It can be a little hard to find a stroller that you can use this carseat with. The only two I found besides the Safety1st stroller are Baby Trend snap&go universal stroller and the Contours options elite with universal adapter. It seems like all other strollers are not compatible.

I like that you can take off the cover and is washer and dryer safe. User friendly. It is a bit bigger (longer) and heavier than others out there. The canopy does not stay put not matter what I do, BIG disappointment. All the padding is great BUT makes it really hot. It traps heat like crazy, so while I'm cool and have the AC going, baby is sweating like crazy behind me. Her back and back of head is drenched. luckily we live in an area that barely gets to a 90 on our short summers. But still. Overall, it's oh-k.

This seat is great! Very sturdy, comfy, and stylish. It’s a bit on the bigger, heavier side, so if you’re looking for a small, lightweight seat this isn’t it. However, I think your baby would be more comfortable in it than other less expensive or lighter ones. I decided to return it after receiving it because it wasn’t compatible with my stroller, I contacted the seller and they promptly refunded my money and let me keep it! :)

One recommendation to the seller: let the buyers know what strollers these are compatible with.

I love this car seat that I got for my preemie granddaughter. We put a little insert in while she was a preemie, but now that she is newborn size it fits perfectly and will for some time to come. The inside is very soft for baby. The outside is very sturdy. My only complaint is that it is pretty heavy when she is in it, but all car seats are!

The car seat is super padded, comfy, Light weight and supports the baby well.

Down fall is the canopy doesn’t stay in place. I returned the first 1 because it just falls back and won’t stay opened. My new one isn’t much better. For that price they should have a well functioning.

A little bigger than I thought but the material is really soft and this is a nice seat. Definitely wouldn't recommend for smaller cars with limited space.

Great car seat, horrible base. It gets jammed in the base a lot and the base just doesn’t feel as secure as it should strapped down.

I am only giving three stars because the visor on this is a joke, and a huge pain. I paid a lot of money for this and this part is the worst. It never stays up, I constantly have to fix it. It is always dragging on the ground, and gets in the way of snapping it in the base. The rest of the car seat is great though.

I will buy all car seats Safty First brand! I was in an accident and Safty First saves my children. They do exactly what they are supposed to do. Highly recommend. This particular one keeps your infant nice and snug.

Super nice first car seat . Has worked well the past 8 months . Great brand and quality . Lots of adjustments

Has worked perfect. My son is almost 10 months and is still using it. If you have two cars, definitely buy the extra base. This is very well made and has a durable cover to keep the sun and wind out of the baby's face.

This model is the cheapest and the best compared with all seat on the market.. the best deal and safe for my bb

Best quality car seat I have ever owned! I love all the safety features and also that it lasts for eight years! I like that I ordered it in a neutral color so it could be for many children.

Pro's: Easy to install, Color, removable cushions are washable. Con's: Sun visor doesn't stay up, clasp seems uncomfortable, Heavy.

I did hours and hours and hours of research, reading so many reviews. This car seat seemed fairly comparable to the Chico’s when reading about them and how well it was reviewed.

There have seemed to be more cons then I had hoped

- BIGGEST problem is the straps to hold her in are somehow uneven. The right shoulder is a bit longer and I can’t get it to evenly lay on her. The left side will be tight and secure the right will still have some give!! Wasn’t noticeable enough until she was in it and ready to leave the hospital.

- the shade does not stay in place like a lot of reviews stated. I knew this going into it and wasn’t extremely worried about it.

- the slots on the back where the straps go through have no sort or coverage. Not a huge deal but having a newborn in the middle of winter and 5-10 degree weather made me question how much wind was blowing in on her neck, head and back. She always seemed fine but you just never know

- to get it in my suv correctly based off the level on the side we had to place a large towel under it to prop it right. (Per manual instructions) it just did seem as secure as most after that.

Some pros. The material and cushion are soft and comfy. It does make it seem if there was an accident the sides would help the impact of her head and such.

The padded inserts for head and bottom are very nice for a newborn. Created a lot of extra support.

I put this car seat in my baby registry because of the amazing reviews, although I can't believe no one has commented on the problems with the crotch buckle. The plastic pieces that buckle into the middle part dig into my baby's legs, regardless of what hole I put the crotch buckle through. There is no way to loosen the buckle...PLEASE do not buy, for the sake of your child's legs!!!

We got this for a gift on our registry. The car seat it’s self is awesome. However- it rocks in the base, and the level window on the sides came with no ball inside... so we had to drill a small hole and put a BB inside to get the correct position. Also there is NO available stroller that works with this particular seat. As for the canopy I’ve seen people complain about, it does stay up. There is a part of the canopy that is folded back inside at the top. If you unfold it, it stays up.

Good car seat, but the canopy is aweful. No matter what we do it still falls back. Also our seat came with a white line that goes down the front of canopy. Very disappointed with the purchase. Will updated again once the baby is here and we actually are using it.

I like the snug fit but I'm concerned she'll outgrow it fast. The canopy is a joke and will not stay down when pulled and the side is starting to slip off.

Safety 1st onBoard35 Air 360 Infant Car Seat

Protect your baby from every angle with the onBoard35 Air 360 infant car seat. The onBoard Air 360 is the only infant car seat that features 360 Protect for 5 layers of proven safety. Rear-facing babies stay safely snug, starting at a tiny 4 pounds, with special insert pillows that give them a better fit. Removing the inserts, babies can ride comfortably in the safer rear-facing position up to 35 pounds.

  • Extended rear-facing 4-35 pounds

  • Machine washable and dryer safe seat pad

  • Latch equipped with Latch storage

  • Exceeds Federal Safety Standards

  • Exceeds European Rollover Standard, (ECE R44 Supplement 7)

Air Protect for superior side impact protection

The Air Protect cushioning system provides immediate crash protection with our most advanced side impact energy management system available.

GCell HX patented race car foam absorbs crash energy

GCell HX further displaces crash energy around the child’s torso.

Reinforced handle and deep seat structure

The reinforced handle adds stability. A deep seat structure helps shield your child, keeping your little one cozy and contained.

Soft foam throughout the seat for additional safety and comf

Soft foam, used throughout the seat makes a comfortable first contact in every touchable location.

Protect your baby from every angle with the Safety 1st onBoard 35 Air 360 Infant Car Seat. Providing five layers of safety, this LATCH-equipped car seat fits your child from 4 to 35 pounds in a rear-facing configuration. Shielded in the car seat's deep seat structure, your little one is further protected by AirProtect advanced side-impact protection and GCell HX patented race car foam for crash energy absorption. Crash tested from every angle for front, rear, side, and rollover impacts, this infant car seat includes soft foam padding throughout the seat for safety as well as comfort. A reinforced handle adds stability. The five-point harness adjusts easily from the front of the car seat and features four harness heights and three buckle locations. A stay-in-car base adjusts for a customized fit to your car. When you need to remove the lightweight car seat, the Carry Curve Handle with comfort grip makes it easy to transport. This car seat meets or exceeds federal, ASTM, JPMA safety standards as well as the European Rollover Standard and includes a one-year limited warranty. Safety 1st believes parenting should have fewer worries and more joyful moments. As the first and only leader in child safety, Safety 1st is here to give you peace of mind so you can spend less time worrying and more time enjoying every first you experience with your child.