Can someone explain please exactly what the "Convert image colour spaces" option in the PDF export options actually does? The help file says "when checked, all placed images will convert to the colour space chosen on export (as set in the Profile option above). When unchecked, the colour space of the imported placed image is honoured." I interpret that to mean if I have a load of images with different profiles in my document, if that option is ticked they will all get converted to the output profile when exported to PDF. If the option is unticked they will not get converted and remain with their original profiles.

The results do not reflect that in Windows (v1.9.0.932). Tested in a document which is CMYK with a profile of FOGRA51 and then exported it as a PDF/X-3 file to the FOGRA51 profile. I have placed an image with the FOGRA52 profile. Regardless of whether the "Convert image..." (CI) option is ticked or unticked the image in my PDF retains the FOGRA52 profile, not the FOGRA51 profile that was my destination profile.

Convert Pdf To Image


What I really want to do is export a PDF/X-1a file. On Windows when I choose PDF/X-1a from the Compatibility section in the PDF export options the "Convert image colour spaces" option is greyed out, unticked. That it is greyed out makes sense as PDF/X-1a everything must be converted to the destination profile. That gives a PDF where the image is converted to the output profile. Which is good. However when I try the same on the Mac (trial version 1.9.0) when I select PDF/X-1a from the Compatibility section in the PDF export options the "Convert image colour spaces" option is greyed out again, but ticked. When the PDF is made the results seem the same as the Windows PDF which once again makes me wonder exactly what the "Convert image colour spaces" option in the PDF export options actually does!

Hi julia_mysterywhite,

Welcome to Affinity ForumsĀ 

The image you are pasting in probably bigger than the canvas size so you are only seeing part of it. Change to the Move Tool, select the image clicking on it on canvas then zoom out as needed until you see the whole bounding box (the blue line with the handles). Click and drag one of the corner handles to scale it down as needed then drag it to the canvas area.

Image layers are created for you when you use the command File > Place (to place an image in your document), use the Place Image Tool (available in Affinity Designer and Publisher only, for the same purpose) or drag an image file from Finder (macOS) or Windows Explorer (Windows) directly to an open document in an Affinity app.

I have a problem that I wouldlike some help with. I have a labview VI that creates an image usingthe "IMAQ image" block set, and I have a VI that allows image selectionwith the mouse. Most of that second VI's code comes from an example.The problem is, my picture selection VI requires that the picture bethe "picture" data type, but the pictures my other VI creates are the"image" data type. Ctrl-h says the first type of wire is "picture" andthe second type of wire is "Image Dst Out (IMAQImage)". I either needto convert the "image" to "picture", or rewrite my picture selection totake in an "image" variable instead of "picture." I'm not especiallygood at labview, and I'm running out of time, so conversion seems to bethe best option. I found another thread that talks about converting an"image" to an array, but I'm not sure how to turn that array back intoa "picture". Does anyone have any ideas?



Thanks for your reply. I saw that VI when I was digging around, but there are a couple issues. First, I'm using v8.2 and that VI is v8.6. More problematic, however, is that fact that I need to go from image to picture, not picture to image. Would it be possible to "reverse engineer" that VI to make it convert the other way?

maybe this question looks stupid, but I try to use Pillows Image.convert() to convert an image to grayscale. This image I have stored in a variable img because I already pre-processed it, but not with Pillow (type: numpy.ndarray). So I type:

If I type img ="picture.jpg").convert('LA') it works, but I want to use it on a variable that already exists. I also do not want to save the preprocessed image just to open and convert it with the previous command because this is even more inefficient (in terms of speed and CPU-power).So: Is there a proper way to do this?

Hi everyone.

I have obtained some 8-bit color images by EPMA. In these pictures, different colors indicated different intensities, (there is a histogram to indicate the intensities). I want to convert these colored pictures into grayscale with intensities corrospondingly, and then combine these grayscaled images together using channel merge , and then add different colors to each channel to compare differences of their distribution and intensity. Do you have some suggestion? thank you very much.

by the way, I have already changed these colored pictures into grayscale by Edit > Options > Conversions > (checked)scale with conversion, weighted RGB conversions, Image > type > 8-bit. But the conversion results are not in accordance with intensities indicated by the histogram, especially the red spots. See details in the attached pictures.

510510 5.93 KB

Original file: tif

Hi, imagejan,

Of course I can post the link here. But I think this has already been post in ImageJ forum by @oburri. Shall I post it here again?

Ā * * Reconvert color LUT to intensity * Olivier BURRI * BioImaging and Optics Platform BIOP, EPFL * In reply to an ImageJ Forum Post -colored-height-map-of-moon-in-greyscale-images/ * Provided As-Is */// Before running this macro, make sure that you have an image called LUT with the color scalebar separatelyThis file has been truncated. show original

I have a regular client that has provided their logo as an image that I currently insert into sheets as required but it would be great if i could make it a DWG format block without having to trace over it. Even just an outline of each colour would be fine as the logo only uses a few colours, I can then hatch the outlines as required.

I've tried inserting the image directly into BricsCAD but all I get is a white box of different proportions with an image logo in the middle. When selecting this it shows up as an "OLE Frame" in the properties box so it doesn't look like this will work.

Inkscape is a free program that I have used in the past, it's a bit of a learning curve but for simple clearly defined images it is really good at this type of thing, it picks out outlines in even fairly complex images depending on which settings you use and it will export to dxf

I tried the image tracer in Vectorworks.

Also not very useful, that's why I didn't mention.

No intelligent 2D objects or curves, just a bunch of separate lines.

And not very obvious where it draws them or not.

I know there are commercial drawing image recognition software programs out there that are able to do a more intelligent task of doing the job. (sorry, no recommendations. I have not used any of those) The reality is that drawing recognition is difficult. Drawings can go through a lot of things that distort them. The original print will have some distortion. And even purely digital raster prints are approximations of what the real data is.

if I want line-art, sometimes I have simply pasted the image into BricsCAD, and then traced over it. Those are cases where I expect to use it a lot. Vector graphics tend to survive and show through situations that tend to make a raster image not appear. Normally, I don't try to do much detail, and deliberately keep the logo small on the drawing where I am using it. To trace, I use a polyline with some width, so I can see it. I put it on a layer with a distinctive color, to make it easy to see where I've been. Then, I copy the polyline to the side, at a known distance, so that it is easy to add new trace lines I may have omitted.

Basically I am trying to convert the below output image to color(RGB). The image that this code currently outputs is grayscale, however, for my application I would like it to be output as color. Please let me know where I should convert the image.

This is currently set up to expect a grayscale image as input. I think that you are asking how to adapt it to accept a colour input image and return a colour output image. You don't need to change much:

The cvtImage routine will simply copy your gray element to each of the three elements R, G, and B for each pixel. In other words if the pixel gray value is 26, then the new image will have R = 26, G = 26, B = 26.

If indeed you want color to appear in the image (when you view it), this is truly impossible to go from grayscale back to the ORIGINAL colors. There are however means of pseudo-coloring or false coloring the image.

Online image conversion is the strong suite of Img2Go. And best of all, it's completely free. Additionally, you can professionally edit your photos with the other free image editing tools on the website. Give it a try!

Go to the image conversion tool from Img2Go. This online converter allows you to turn all kinds of files into images. Convert video to image to create screenshots or convert your photos into other formats such as GIF, PNG, SVG, JPEG, and more. And best of all? It's for free! ff782bc1db

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