Senior Information

All senior photos /bios are due by October 10th. 

Both of these can be submitted through a google form this year! 

Upload your senior photos and bios here: Senior Google Form

The following guidelines should be considered when submitting photos:


**Use your name’s correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation when saving the file

**The file must be saved as a .JPEG or .PNG

All senior bios are due by October 10th.  Please use this Senior Google Form to submit your bio. Please make sure it is no more than 50 words, and also that it is school appropriate. They will be reviewed and you will be asked to change it if it does not meet the school code.

You may use any photographer you wish for your senior portrait. If you do not submit a photo, we will use your school ID photo. If you need help getting a senior photo of yourself, contact us at convalhighschoolyearbook@gmail and we will connect you with a student photographer. 

The senior class group photo will happen on a Monday in October during TASC. This date will be announced soon.

Senior Superlative Forms ARE READY!

January: Last day to personalize a yearbook with your name and icons! 

February: Last day for parents to buy a recognition ad in the back of the yearbook. Go to to buy and design an ad today!