S3 Object Ownership is an Amazon S3 bucket-level setting that you can use to both control ownership of the objects that are uploaded to your bucket and to disable or enable ACLs. By default, Object Ownership is set to the Bucket owner enforced setting, and all ACLs are disabled. When ACLs are disabled, the bucket owner owns all the objects in the bucket and manages access to them exclusively by using access-management policies.

A majority of modern use cases in Amazon S3 no longer require the use of ACLs. We recommend that you keep ACLs disabled, except in unusual circumstances where you need to control access for each object individually. With ACLs disabled, you can use policies to control access to all objects in your bucket, regardless of who uploaded the objects to your bucket. For more information, see Controlling ownership of objects and disabling ACLsfor your bucket.

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If you make your bucket public (not recommended), any unauthenticated usercan upload objects to the bucket. These anonymous users don't have anAWS account. When an anonymous user uploads an object to your bucket, Amazon S3adds a special canonical user ID(65a011a29cdf8ec533ec3d1ccaae921c) as the object owner inthe ACL. For more information, see Amazon S3 bucket and object ownership.

Prevent upload of unlabeled files: Before a sensitive file is uploaded, distributed, and used by others, it's important to make sure that the sensitive file has the label defined by your organization's policy. You can ensure that unlabeled files with sensitive content are blocked from being uploaded until the user classifies the content.

Block potential malware: You can protect your environment from malware by blocking the upload of potentially malicious files. Any file that is uploaded or downloaded can be scanned against Microsoft threat intelligence and blocked instantaneously.

SSL client certificates are verified via a trust chain. You can upload an X.509 root or intermediate certificate authority (CA) formatted in the PEM certificate format. These certificates must contain the public key of the CA, which is then used to sign the client certificates presented during a session.

Once the certificate is uploaded and a relevant policy is configured, when an applicable session traverses Conditional Access App Control, the Defender for Cloud Apps endpoint requests the browser to present the SSL client certificates. The browser serves the SSL client certificates that are installed with a private key. This combination of certificate and private key is done by using the PKCS #12 file format, typically .p12 or .pfx.

Inspections policies for information protection are valid for files up to 30 MB in size and 1 million characters

When a session policy to block file uploads or downloads based on information protection content inspection is applied, inspection is performed on files smaller than 30 MB and smaller than 1 million characters.For example, an admin may define one of the following session policies:

If a session policy to block or monitor the upload of sensitive files is applied, then in these scenarios the user's attempts to upload files or folders using drag & drop will block the entire list of files and folders:

The package management system manipulates data represented in a commonformat, known as control data, stored in control files. Controlfiles are used for source packages, binary packages and the .changesfiles which control the installation of uploaded files. 1

These fields are used by dpkg-gencontrol to generate control filesfor binary packages (see below), by dpkg-genchanges to generate the.changes file to accompany the upload, and by dpkg-source whenit creates the .dsc source control file as part of a source archive.Some fields are folded in debian/control, but not in any othercontrol file. These tools are responsible for removing the line breaksfrom such fields when using fields from debian/control to generateother control files. They are also responsible for discarding emptyfields.

In a .changes file, the Architecture field lists thearchitecture(s) of the package(s) currently being uploaded. This will bea list; if the source for the package is also being uploaded, thespecial entry source is also present. all will be present if anyarchitecture-independent packages are being uploaded. Architecturewildcards such as any must never occur in the Architecture fieldin the .changes file.

Epochs should not be used when a package needs to be rolled back.In that case, use the +really convention: for example, if youuploaded 2.3-3 and now you need to go backwards to upstream 2.2,call your reverting upload something like 2.3+really2.2-1.Eventually, when we upload upstream 2.4, the +really part can go away.

debian_revision components ending in . (period) followed by a numberindicate this version of the non-native package was uploaded by someoneother than the maintainer (an NMU or non-maintainer upload). This is usedfor a upload including a source package; for uploads of only binary packageswithout source changes, see the binary NMU convention below.

upstream_version components in native packages ending in +nmufollowed by a number indicate an NMU of a native package. As with theconvention for non-native packages, this is used for an upload including asource package, not for uploads of only binary packages without sourcechanges.

upstream_version components in native packages ordebian_revision components in non-native packages ending in +bfollowed by a number indicate a binary NMU: an upload of a binarypackage without any source changes and hence without any correspondingsource package upload or version change.

debian_revision components in non-native packages ending in debNuXalso indicate a stable update. Either ~ or + will be used beforethis string depending on the details of the update. N is the majorversion number of the Debian stable release to which the package wasuploaded, and X is a number, starting at 1, that is increased for eachstable upload of this package.

In a .changes file, the Description field contains a summary ofthe descriptions for the packages being uploaded. For this case, thefirst line of the field value (the part on the same line asDescription:) is always empty. It is a multiline field, with oneline per package. Each line is indented by one space and contains thename of a binary package, a space, a hyphen (-), a space, and theshort description line from that package.

In a .changes file or parsed changelog output this contains the(space-separated) name(s) of the distribution(s) where this version ofthe package should be installed. Valid distributions are determined bythe archive maintainers. 10 The Debian archive software onlysupports listing a single distribution. Migration of packages to otherdistributions is handled outside of the upload process.

If a new Debian revision of a package is being shipped and no neworiginal source archive is being distributed the .dsc must stillcontain the Files field entry for the original source archivepackage_upstream-version.orig.tar.gz, but the .changes fileshould leave it out. In this case the original source archive on thedistribution site must match exactly, byte-for-byte, the original sourcearchive which was used to generate the .dsc file and diff which arebeing uploaded.

In the .dsc file, these fields list all files that make up thesource package. In the .changes file, these fields list all filesbeing uploaded. The list of files in these fields must match the list offiles in the Files field.

Additional user-defined fields may be added to the source packagecontrol file. Such fields will be ignored, and not copied to (forexample) binary or Debian source control files or upload control files.

Fields in the main source control information file with names startingX, followed by one or more of the letters BCS and a hyphen-, will be copied to the output files. Only the part of the fieldname after the hyphen will be used in the output file. Where the letterB is used the field will appear in binary package control files,where the letter S is used in Debian source control files and whereC is used in upload control (.changes) files.

Indicates that Debian Maintainers may upload this package to the Debianarchive. The only valid value is yes. This field was used toregulate uploads by Debian Maintainers, See the General ResolutionEndorse the concept of DebianMaintainers for moredetails.

Other urgency values are supported with configuration changes in thearchive software but are not used in Debian. The urgency affects howquickly a package will be considered for inclusion into thetesting distribution and gives an indication of the importance ofany fixes included in the upload. Emergency and critical aretreated as synonymous.

Use signed policy documents to specify what can be uploaded to a bucket. Policydocuments allow greater control over size, content type, and other uploadcharacteristics than signed URLs, and can be used by website owners to allowvisitors to upload files to Cloud Storage.

You can use signed policy documents in addition to IAM and ACLs.For example, you can use IAM to allow people in your organizationto upload any object, then create a signed policy document that allows websitevisitors to upload only objects that meet specific criteria.

Use Firebase Security Rules to provide granular, attribute-based access controlto mobile and web apps using the Firebase SDKs for Cloud Storage. For example,you can specify who can upload or download objects, how large an object can be,or when an object can be downloaded.

When you upload a file of any type to Google Drive, it is stored securely in our world-class data centers. Data is encrypted in-transit and at-rest. If you choose to access these files offline, we store this info on your device.

To create a brand new Google account, we collect your name and phone number. When you manage your Google account, you can choose to provide your physical address, upload your contacts, or add a profile photo. e24fc04721

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