However, five years later, in 2647, Earth faces another threat as the terrorist organization "Blood Falcon", led by a mysterious and superhuman commander, spreads panic over the world. The ruling government, referred to as the "Triumvirate", decides to release Bill Rizer prior to completing his sentence, in view of his previous successes in defending Earth, in hope of neutralizing Blood Falcon. Lucia, an advanced cyborg soldier built by the government from Dr. Geo Mandrake's research, is sent to accompany and assist Bill's endeavors. Bill eventually finds out that Lance is still alive and is in fact the commander of Blood Falcon himself.

In 2642 A.D., Earth remains scarred from previous alien conflicts as environmental problems grow beyond humanity's control. 80% of the planet's population was completely devastated by a malfunctioning hyper-magnetic weapons grid during development. Bill Rizer, the hero of the Alien Wars, was held responsible for the incident, as well as for supposedly murdering his partner Lance Bean who reportedly tried to stop him. He was given a sentence of 10,000 years in cryogenic prison. However, five years later (in the year 2647), Earth faces another threat as the terrorist organization "Blood Falcon", led by a mysterious superhuman commander, spreads panic over the world. The ruling government, referred to as the "Triumvirate", decides to release Rizer prior to completing his sentence, in view of his previous successes in defending Earth, in hope of neutralizing Blood Falcon. Lucia, an advanced cyborg super soldier built by the government from Dr. Geo Mandrake's research, is sent to accompany and assist Bill's endeavors.

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Not that a game about blasting aliens needs any kind of story, but Contra: Shattered Soldier is basically a retelling not of the 1987 original, but of the Sylvester Stallone/Wesley Snipes sci-fi flick Demolition Man. In a far-flung future, Bill (who was player one in the original Contra) is released from some sort of cryogenic containment facility because he's the only soldier powerful enough to defeat Lance (who was player two in the original Contra), his former partner and now the apparent mastermind behind an all-out alien invasion. Player two this time is Lucia, a female counterpart to Bill, though both characters are completely identical in terms of gameplay. So Bill and/or Lucia set out to shoot their way through five short, action-packed levels.

El juego tiene un final oculto donde Bill Rizer tiene un combate con Sparkster, la mascota de Konami, quien al final del combate se estrella contra el generando una explosin. Igualmente en el final oculto de Rocket Knight (accesible a l completando el modo Gold Sparkster), mientras Sparkster est volando por el cielo empiezan a dispararle, luego la cmara baja y se ve que quien le est disparando es Bill Rizer mientras dice Es hora de venganza, lo que sugiere que Bill perdi el combate anterior. Despus la pantalla se vuelve negra y aparece la frase Y as, la lucha eterna contina....

To be sure, there was much sound and fury over other issues. Supporters and opponents of the Administration traded atrocity stories, one side focusing on the cruelties of the Sandinistas, the other on those of the contras. There was no doubt some truth and some exaggeration on both sides, but how much of each was hard to tell given the remoteness of the areas where the rebels operate, the secrecy in which the activities of Nicaraguan state security forces are shrouded, and the partisan commitments of most of the sources of the charges and countercharges.

Moreover, the kind of deal that Solarz proposes is precisely what then Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Enders traveled to Nicaragua to offer the Sandinistas in 1981, which they turned aside. Solarz argues that events since 1981, notably the U.S. invasion of Grenada and the rise of the contra movement, may have softened up the Sandinistas, making them more willing to compromise now. But if so, this is an argument for, and not against, sustaining the rebels. If military pressure by the United States and the rebels has made the Sandinistas ready to accept the compromise they once scorned, does it make any sense to withdraw this pressure at the outset of the long negotiating process that would inevitably be required to translate this deal into an enforceable treaty? 17dc91bb1f

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