Conference Schedule

Day 1

Friday 11 September

2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. (UK Time)

Panel 1: Methodologies in Film Festivals Research

Chairs: Tamara Falicov & Dorota Ostrowska

Antoine Damiens: Festivals that did not matter: archival research and festival studies' historiographical narrative

Dina Iordanova: Transnational Historiography/New Criticism in a Multilateral Festival Case Study

Brendan Kredell: Position-Taking in Virtual Space: The Cultural Field of Film Festivals in the Time of COVID

Maria Paz Peirano: Film Festivals Ethnographies: Going online?

Aida Vallejo: From the Field to the Data-base. Combining methods in Film Festival Research

Ger Zielinski: What You Ask (and How You Ask It) Is What You Get: On Disciplinarity in the Multidisciplinary Studies of Film Festivals

4.00 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. (UK Time)

Panel 2: Directions in Film Festivals Research

Chairs: Dorota Ostrowska & Tamara Falicov

Alexandra Colta: From Outside Observer to Active Participant. Researching Programming Practices of Human Rights Film Festivals

Estrella Sendra: Immersive Methodology and Collaboration in Film Festival Research

Katharina Kamleitner: Researching the Past: The Women's Film Festivals of the 1970s

Skadi Loist: Studying Film Circulation: Moving Film Festival Research to an Evidence-Based (Data Science), Global Perspective

Sarah Smyth: Comparative Analysis as a Methodological Approach. Film Festivalisation: the Rise of the Film Festival in the UK’s Postindustrial Cities

Marijke de Valck: Finding Methods: Interest-Driven Research and the Four F’s of Film Festivals

Day 2

Saturday 12 September

2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. (UK Time)

Panel 3: Film Festivals Practice:

Curating, Programming, Archiving and Collecting

Chair: Diana Sanchez and Tamara Falicov

Jonathan Ali: Carefully Curating the Caribbean: Programming the Third Horizon Film Festival

Maria Delgado

Anastasia Kerameos

Juana Suarez: Film Preservation and Film Festivals in Latin America

Hebe Tabachnik: How different audiences nurture and shape film festival programming