Area Rug Cleaning Plainsboro NJ

+1(609) 806-5222

At Area Rug Cleaning Plainsboro NJ, we are aware of how important it is to maintain the clean appearance and pleasant aroma of your area rugs, which is why we offer a comprehensive selection of professional rug cleaning services to cater to your specific requirements.

Our team of seasoned professionals has received extensive training in the cleaning of rugs made of natural and synthetic fibers. These rugs include the finest oriental, Persian, Arab, and Indian rugs, as well as handmade rugs made of wool, silk, and other natural fibers. In order to thoroughly clean your rugs and restore their like-new appearance, we make use of cutting-edge machinery and cleaning products that are kind to the environment.

It is important to maintain the appearance of your home or place of business by ensuring that rugs are kept clean and free of stains. Get in touch with Continental Carpet Cleaning right away to set up an appointment and observe the significant improvement that can result from a professional cleaning. You can rely on us to take care of your area rugs and restore their appearance to that of brand new rugs.


Continental Carpet Cleaning


174 Nassau St, unit 305

Princeton NJ 08542