
List of papers:

  1. Roshni Kaushik and Reid Simmons. Context-dependent Personalized Robot Feedback to Improve Learning

  2. Lydia Penkert, Sebastian Schneider and Anja Richert. Social context awareness for communication error prevention and repair for HRI in public spaces

  3. Heng Zhang and Adriana Tapus. Preliminary Study: Robot Telling Jokes and Human Humor Factor

  4. Mohamadreza Faridghasemnia. Appreciation of Symbolic Attributes in Machine Perception

  5. Anna Deichler, Siyang Wang, Simon Alexandersson and Jonas Beskow. Towards Context-Aware Human-like Pointing Gestures with RL Motion Imitation

  6. Jessica Barfield. Context-Aware Social Robots as a Function of Perceived Robot Intelligence

  7. Kate Candon and Marynel Vázquez. Context^2: On the Importance of the Context of Context in Human Robot Interaction

  8. Hongbo Zhu, Chuang Yu and Angelo Cangelosi. Explainable Emotion Recognition for Trustworthy Human-Robot Interaction