Miroslav Horák

Miroslav Horák is a social and cultural anthropologist, ecologist, and linguist. He specializes in medical anthropology, ethnobotany, and anthropology of religion. Currently works as an associate professor at the Department of Languages and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Mendel University in Brno. In his research, he focuses on substance use disorders treatment, religion and cooperation, and mood tracking in the treatment of psychological disorders. For this purpose, he has implemented a number of projects. He is also the author and editor of several books. Among the most recent, there is Substance Use Disorders Treatment in Therapeutic Communities: A Cross-Cultural Approach (2022), and the trilogy Amazonía unida (2020-2022). He is a member of the Czech Anthropological Society and editorial board of Universidad-Verdad.

ORCID: 0000-0001-8327-8785