The Schedule


July 23, 2023, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Event sign-up and sticker pick-up from the meeting room assigned for the event at the convention center - E141

9:00 - 9:15 AM

Welcome and Orientation

Ritu Arora, Wayne State University

(Presentation Slides)

9:15 - 9:30 AM

Form working groups

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Each working group prepares a list of challenges and opportunities related to the containerization of applications using Docker and Singularity, discusses and documents test cases, and prepares a presentation summarizing their findings

11:30 AM - noon

The attendees will walk over to the venue for lunch and talks

12:00 - 2:00 PM

Lunch and Talks

at the DoubleTree hotel

Container-native HPC and AI Platform with Data Services (20 minutes)

Frank Lee, IBM

Sciunit: Reproducible Containers for Scientific Computing (20 minutes)

Tanu Malik, DePaul University

(Presentation Slides)

Experiences Containerizing the JETSCAPE/X-SCAPE Code (20 minutes)

Joe Latessa, Wayne State University

(Presentation Slides)

Introduction to Basil Semi-Automatic Containerization System (20 minutes)

Ritu Arora, Wayne State University

(Presentation Slides)

2:00 - 4:00 PM

Each working group prepares a list of challenges and opportunities related to the containerization of applications using Docker and Singularity, discusses and documents test cases, and prepares a presentation summarizing their findings

4:00 - 5:00 PM