eBay Customer Service Contacts

eBay’s mailing address

2025 Hamilton Ave
San Jose, CA 95125

eBay’s executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Cornelius Boone
Senior VP u0026 Chief People Officer
2025 Hamilton Ave
San Jose, CA 95215

Alternative email address:  coboone@ebay.com

Secondary Contact
Stefanie Jay
Chief Business u0026 Strategy Officer u0026 Senior VP
2025 Hamilton Ave
San Jose, CA 95125
(650) 822-4130

Chief Executive
Jamie Iannone
President and CEO
2025 Hamilton Ave
San Jose, CA 95125
(408) 376-7400

How to contact ebay Customer Service?

You can contact eBay US customer service through the following methods:

1.     Online Help Center:

2.     Phone:

3.     Live Chat:

How do I get refund from ebay ?

If you need to get a refund on eBay, here are the steps you can follow:

You’ll receive an email confirming that the refund has been initiated and another email once the refund is complete. The refunded amount will appear in your order details.

Remember that you can refund up to 100% of the transaction, and if you’re issuing a partial refund, the amount will be split proportionally across each item in the order.

eBay is an e-commerce commerce based in San Jose. It facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website. 

Does We work for eBay?

We does not work with eBay's customer support operations, directly or in any other ways.  We has no partnership or relation to eBay at all. We work with customer to reach call centers faster and solving their problems effectively. The information on this website is edited frequently but for more accurate information , it may be useful to check eBay own website for new or more frequent updated informations.