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TPLinkRepeater - Setup and configure your TP Link repeater
Do you find it difficult to configure your TP link repeater? If you want to run a smooth and smooth setup procedure through TPLinkRepeater then you should read this blog till the end. Here we have given the straightforward and easy to follow steps to set up and configure the extender.
TP Link is a reputable global provider of reliable network devices and accessories. It manufactures and supplies a wide range of devices to more than 170 countries. Ranked as the #1 provider of Wi-Fi devices, TP link currently serves billions of people around the world. The only challenging part that users have to go through while using these products is their setup. Therefore, to make it convenient for users, we have provided the steps to get started with your TP Link repeater in this blog. So, you are just a few clicks away from experiencing a smooth and uninterrupted Internet connection!
Now configure your TP Link Repeater with a few steps
Here we have explained the steps to configure the extender via the WPS button. All users are suggested to follow the instructions below to set up their TP Link repeater:-
First of all, you need to keep your extender close to your main Wi-Fi router.
After this, you need to make sure that you have plugged the extender into a power outlet.
In the next step, you need to press the WPS button located on your router. Then you should immediately press the WPS button found on the TP Link repeater.
Note: It is suggested that all users press the WPS button on the extender within two minutes of pressing the WPS button on the router.
Once you have pressed the WPS button on your router, the WPS LED on the router should blink. In case the WPS LED does not turn on, you need to press the button again until the LED light starts blinking. The same goes for the extender. If the WPS LED on the extender does not blink, you need to press the button again.
The entire WPS procedure will take about two minutes. Therefore, all users are suggested to wait for two minutes and check the wireless signal LED on your extender.
If the light is on, it means your extender has connected to your main router.
Note: If you find that the WPS LED light is off even after two minutes, it indicates that the WPS extender setup has failed. Therefore, you need to repeat the steps mentioned above.
Now, you have successfully set up your extender and can keep it in a suitable place where you need to boost or extend your internet signals.
Steps for configuring TpLinkRepeater through a web browser
All users need to setup TPLinkRepeater to get rid of intermittent internet connectivity and enjoy smooth internet network. Therefore, all users are suggested to check and follow the points below to run setup smoothly:
First of all, users need to connect their TP Link Extender to the wall outlet.
Note: Users should ensure that they have plugged their extender into the nearest power outlet to their main router.
Then you need to connect the TP Link range extender with your computer with an Ethernet cable.
After this, you need to visit the official TP Link Extender login page via "TPLinkRepeater" in your preferred internet browser.
After this, you need to wait until the official page opens on the screen.
Here, you need to log in to your extender's network.
After successfully login to TpLinkReapeater, you will be redirected to the next page.
On the new page, you need to click on the "Quick Settings" option.
Then, tap on the “Next” button.
Here, users will be asked to choose their region and location.
After selecting your region, you need to click the "Next" button.
Once you click the Next button, your TP Link will start processing and scanning the network of the wireless router you are using.
Note: Now, users need to select their wireless network from the available networks.
After selecting your wireless network, you need to click the "Next" button.
In the next step of setup, you will be asked to enter the wireless network login password.
After entering the password, you need to click on the "Next" option.
In the next window, you need to check the network settings.
In the last step, all users are suggested to click the "Finish" button.