Contact the Counselor

Blackburn Elementary's school counselor is Kimberly Beck.

If you need to speak with the counselor, you can text or call me at this number: 678-400-9090. My email is:

The best way to reach me is through this link: Contact Ms. Kimberly

I will respond between the hours of 8:00 am - 3:00 pm M-F.

If you have a medical or mental health emergency, see below:

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or your doctor.

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please contact GA Mobile Crisis at 800-715-4225.

You can also click on the icons below to access information on how to get help if you are in crisis.

If you are interested in counseling for your children, here is a list of counselors in the area: