Cancellation Policy

The Essential Guide on Lufthansa Cancellation Policy.

Booking a flight is always exciting, but unfortunate events are always there to trouble you. You might need for a fight cancellation, but how will you do it? But the most concerning part is, will you get a refund on your ticket? On this page, you will get essential information regarding the Lufthansa Flight cancellation in a brief and easy-to-understand way. Firstly, let's start understanding what lufthansa brings with their flight cancellation and refund. After that some popular approaches to cancel your flight. 

Luffthana Cancellation rules and guidelines.

Here, you'll find the rules and regulations in this part of the section. Let's understand how lufthansa has made Lufthansa Cancallation Policy flexible for the passengers. 

Lufthansa Refund regulations.

Since you have pretty much understood the Lufthansa Cancellation policy, now it is also important to know about their refund guidelines so that you can get more confidence on canceling any of your lufthansa flights.

How to Cancel Lufthansa flight?

As of now, you've learned about the lufthansa flight cancellation. Now let's understand how you can cancel your lufthansa flights. 

Via Online: You can cancel your flight any time before your check-in time. Once your check-in closes, you may not cancel your flight. 

Via Phone call: This may be the best way to cancel your flight, and you can cancel it by speaking with the lufthansa agent. They will guide you about Lufthansa Cancellation policy and process your flight cancellation request. Simply dial 1 800 645 3880 and follow the on-call steps, which ultimately connect you with Lufthansa Representative.