Since the project already exists, I prefer not to just create a new GitHub repository from Android Studio and delete the old one. I just want to connect the existing GitHub repository with the Android Studio project.

If your local project is newer than the one on GitHub, then you can temporarily move it to another location, import the GitHub version into Android studio, delete these old files, and copy in the new files. Then push the changes back to GitHub. The directions to do all of this are here. This takes some command line work, but after it is set up, you can do any future commits right in Android Studio.

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After making a change, you can commit it by selecting the app folder in the Android view (or the main project folder in whatever view you are using). Then go to VCS > Git > Commit Directory....

I was having the same issue and was looking for a solution. The answers provided on this thread are useful as git goes, but didn't answer my question. After some tinkering around I found my own solution. I cloned the git repository that I wanted to merge my existing Android Studio Project with. I copied over the '.git' folder from the cloned repository to my main Project folder for Android studio. I staged files and committed them, and pushed them to the existing git repository. Doing so updated my git repository with my existing project. I didn't have to create a new Git repository.

I'm also new to Android and the mentor of my course (from which I was learning Android Development) had a habit of creating new projects in Android Studio whenever a new topic started, let it be Java Basics, Intents, Fragments or backendless. I was familiar with Git and it's working. So an idea struck in my head to create a single repository with multiple branches and keep all the projects in respective branches. Quite simple right, but things don't work in that fashion.

I had looked for all the answers on whatever blogs, videos or answers on StackOverflow was present and had tried all the methods. Still, I was not able to get what exactly I wanted. In the Android Studio, when we create a new project, n number of files are created, and all of them are important.

I just did an update of Android Studio and the project I was working currently on was completely erased. I think it prompt me on "terminating the main process" and I accidentally clicked ok. Is there a way to recover my project somehow? Why would the files be erased by simply updating?

In my case i didnt lose the whole project just the main folder which contains the java and the ressource file I right click the project --> local history --> show history --> revert selection

If you dont have the project you can create one with the same name same file names then do exactly the same thing as mentioned

Its a lesson to use github :v

I just started using the Android Studio IDE and I already released and published a simple APK to Google Play store.The problem is that I did this at work.Now I downloaded the Android Studio at my home and I want to continue working and fixing bugs on my Project.I see that there is Import Project in the Android Studio home screen, but from where I export the project in order to import it?I tried Zipping my whole Project folder and import it but it didn't work very well.

In the Android Studio go to File then Close Project. Then take the folder (in the workspace folder) of the project and copy it to a flash memory or whatever. Then when you get comfortable at home, copy this folder in the workspace folder you've already created, open the Android Studio and go to File then Open and import this project into your workspace.

The problem you have with this is that you're searching for the wrong term here, because in Android, exporting a project means compiling it to .apk file (not exporting the project). Import/Export is used for the .apk management, what you need is Open/Close project, the other thing is just copy/paste.

If you passed that initial state already, just go to File -> Import Project and select the folder of your project that you want to import. The rest is straight forward and pretty bullet proof as both are basically IDEA :D

Developing android projects plays a vital role in the life of an android developer because android development projects, ranging from beginner to advanced level, are not only the best but also the easiest way to learn android. All you need to develop an Android application is the basic know-how and an understanding of the languages Java and Kotlin. Earlier Java was the official language for Android which changed to Kotlin in 2017. But you can use any of the languages to build android applications. So before you get a hands-on experience of the real world, start with some sample android projects to get the gist of what goes into creating and executing them. Following in the article are the top 15 android projects along with their source code that you must take up in order to polish your skills.

Conducting exams offline is really overwhelming, especially in times like Covid. So having an online exam application is the best option to opt for where the exam can be conducted without much hustle-bustle. The project will have two modules:

Android project idea: The next android project idea is to build a food delivery application for passengers traveling long distances by train. Since not everyone likes the food served at railway stations, it is always a good option to order food online and make the journey even more pleasant. This application would require three modules- the restaurant/caf, the delivery person, and the passengers. All three would be able to log in to the application. After logging in they will be prompted for user role selection.

This application will avail panchayat for the villagers at any time, which will ease the process of filing complaints and getting solutions timely. The upcoming projects, programs, etc. (if any) can also be updated on the application so that the villagers get notified. The application will have two modules- the Admin module which allows the admins to view and alter the details of the users and the User module where the users will make their account to avail all the facilities and schemes provided.

The next advanced android project idea is the E-banking application. This application would work as the moderator between the users and banks. The users can create and maintain their accounts, set or change passwords and avail themselves of the bank facilities without having to go there physically. They can transfer money online and their transactions will be saved in the application. The app will start out with a login screen, in which the user can either log in with an existing profile or click a button and create a new profile. When signed in, the user will be brought to their dashboard page and will be prompted to make their first account. Additionally, there will be a menu that includes all of the options for the app, including Dashboard, Account Overview (and subsequently Transactions), Deposits, Payments, Transfers, Profile Settings, and Logout.

Preceding were the top 15 Android project ideas to get you started and continue brushing up and enhancing your skills at different levels. Working on these projects will give you a new perspective on things and you will discover things you never knew before. Also, after completely building an app, try publishing it on Google Play Store so as to get an idea of publishing the app as well. So what are you waiting for? Choose one or more of these and step into the world of Android or create one for yourself (pun intended).

Basically what I would like to accomplish is, removing the file from the list of recent projects in Android Studio, re-export it from Eclipse and then import a working project back into Android Studio.

Alot of processes, even simply deleting can be annoying to figure out in studio. Most deleting options a good work around is to delete using file explorer. This is a part of the process tht works for deleting modules as well. Which u will prob find is painful as well

I had to remove my project from eclipse entirely. To do so I copied the folder of my project in workspace and pasted it onto my desktop. Then navigated back into eclipse right clicked selected delete and then check the box to delete the project from my workspace.

After this I closed eclipse. Opened Android studio and tried to open my imported project. At this point it told me the project didn't exist and provided me with an option to remove it from the list. After clicking this i closed Android Studio, and when i reopened it the project was gone.

I would advise against using Android Studio on projects that you have that already work fine with eclipse. Android studio is cool when you are creating new projects but from my experience there are a lot of problems with build paths when I import a build.gradle from eclipse to Android Studio. Android Studio is great but remember it is still in the I/O pre-release!!!

If it's Windows, all you need to do is delete the root of that project within the file explorer. Just right click on the name of the app in Android Studio, and then "show in file explorer". Then just delete the project folder all in all.

After moving and renaming my project folder and my apk modul there was not the same project-structur as before. My project libs have been included twice.I looked in the '.iml' files and saw that the previous path was included - so I changed this. After this I could compile my project over the command line but not with the IDE. There I got this error:

What works for me:

1. Moving Project:

Close Android Studio .You can try to copy and paste the project normally. If there is Path error due to path to long. What I do normaly is compressing the project to rar file. copy paste to new location and extract It. For winrar use extract here as the actual root folder is inside the rar

2. Rename the project:

 Rename the root folder to your new project name.

3. Open In Android Studio

Notice that when you open android studio, it will open the old project file by default. Close the project by going to File>Close Project. Then open your new project. ff782bc1db

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