I have a client with a Squarespace-hosted domain who wants to use custom email with iCloud+. I've entered the supplied DNS records, following the instructions from Apple to first try the records as provided and, if those don't work, to make some adjustments.

I have inputted all of the DNS information that apple gave me, and nothing seems to be happening. Apple wants me to input all my "existing" emails with my domain, but I dont have any existing ones. I just want to use Iclouds service where I dont have to pay SS 6$ a month just for a custom email as I am already paying apple. When ever I put my desired email in that section, I am unable to verify that email becase I dont have one through square apce yet. I have tried many times to verify both my icloud and @watchtowerinspections email and the furthest I will get is apple saying it may take up to 72 hours for the changes to take affect. Then nothing happens. Super frustrated.

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I was successful adding 3 custom alias' with my domain but I can't use them. I see them in the account settings but they aren't in the drop down menu when I go to compose an email. Strangely I do see them on my iphone's mail app, not on the macbook however. So far this has definitely been a beta experience.

One is just for my private use. Added the domain, added an email address, just below my iCloud identity icon, all went fine without a glitch. Changed DNS settings at the domain registrar, completed the procedure. Email service works just fine. Even managed to add it into the stock MacOS Mail app via SMTP account (it duplicates the main iCloud mail account, with all the messages and folders structure, but nevertheless still uses MyCustomEmail @ MyCustomDomain. com address).

Another domain I tried to add was for family use. Added the domain. Then it offered to add an email under my iCloud identity icon. It didn't offer to add an email for any other family member. But ok, tried to add one for myself, for now, like for a private-use domain. When confirming the addition, it returned: "APIError.EmailAdd.InUse'. I tried to add 3 different names, all been in use before with the previous email hosting provider, same error: "APIError.EmailAdd.InUse". Then tried to add an email never used before, and it went through just fine. But I need to use the ones I used before, so I deleted the domain and tried to add it as for my private use. But the problem with adding emails remained.

I have the exact same issue, getting error message "There was a problem adding this email address. Try again later." and I do not get the email verification only for this specific address which is actually my apple id. Emails sent to this address bounce back.

In Internet Accounts on my Mac, clicking on iCloud does offer me the opportunity to create a new Apple ID. Maybe the nomenclature is confusing me, but I would like the email address without the new Apple ID. Since the email address is the Apple ID, I assume that creating a new Apple ID is an essential step in getting the new email address. Are they inextricably bound together?

Once I create the new Apple ID (and therefore email address), how do I designate my old Apple ID as primary? Do I simply not use the new Apple ID for logging into anything? Since I only want email, is it as simple as ensuring all other check boxes associated with the new Apple ID in Internet Accounts are unchecked?

I happen to have two aliases due to changes implemented by Apple over the years. They are xx@mac.com and xx@me.com. These work for receiving emails straight into my icloud mail account although, for some reason, I can no longer send emails as xx@me.com.

Try sending an email to and from yourappleid@mac.com. If it works then you could use that for business/private emails. Otherwise, as Jeffery suggests, you can manually set up icloud aliases that work in a similar way.

The other option is to create another non-Apple email account such as Gmail and set up Apple/iOS mail to access that account. I have a Bigpond account that I use in this way. I would avoid setting up a second AppleID.

The way that I read it was the OP wanted a second email account in order to separate personal and business email messages, into two separate mailboxes. Having an alias of an account just has all of the email deliver to the same in box.

Forget all I said about logging in to a second Apple ID for App Store, etc., content; you can certainly create a second Apple ID iCloud email addres just for email purposes on an iOS ot MacOS device and not worry about it being used for content purchases. Your primary Apple iCloud account will be used for all of that, and that account is the one that is set up originally with the phone and is the one that you see in the Apple ID section at the top of the Settings app.

I was asking about getting another iCloud email address because I thought that made more sense than a Google email address based on privacy issues. Once upon a time, I investigated getting a commercial email address (like at pobox.com) but I never did anything. Would there be some reason, if I wanted multiple addresses, not to get multiple addresses with Apple? Michael, you said you would avoid setting up a second Apple ID.

A good bit of research there - thank you. So the only option along these lines is to create icloud aliases.

Regarding setting up a second AppleID, it is all too easy to use the wrong account when dealing with Apple - your AppleID is used for a range of things. I prefer to have a separate, non-Apple account which I can still access from Mail on a Mac or iPhone.

Here is the issue I ran into. I had an Apple ID: myname@icloud.com, which I had used for many years. I went thru a divorce and legally changed my name back to my maiden name. Apple does not allow you to change your Apple ID but you can create an alias. So for email, I now use mymaidenname@icloud.com. However, email addressed to either of the above mentioned email addresses arrives in Mail the same way; I can not separate emails addressed to myname (Apple ID) from those addressed to mymaidenname (alias Apple ID; most email that comes in w/the original myname Apple ID is generally spam, anyone who knows me uses the alias w/my legal name.) To add insult to injury, if I want to sign in to anything w/my Apple ID, such as icloud.com on the web, anything on the Apple site that requires signing in w/an Apple ID, logging into iTunes (when it was still iTunes), etc, I MUST sign in using the original Apple ID, the alias is not recognized as a valid Apple ID; the alias only functions for email. So everytime I need to sign in to anything w/my Apple ID, I am forced to use the original Apple ID which had my married name, I can not use the alias that contains my current legal name. In my opinion, Apple really needs to think long and hard about how the Apple ID functions and should allow changes to the Apple ID, not merely the use of aliases.

That's right, if you head over to you too can link up your own custom domain to iCloud to customize your emailing experience! It should be simple like most things Apple, but unfortunately there's a pesky DNS host to get in the way and Apple's knowledge link brings you to the generic iCloud User Guide page. I found the instructions lacking so for what its worth, here's how you set up iCloud's custom email domain service with a domain purchased on Namecheap.

Once you have entered your domain name, you should see a pop-up with some details. If you just purchased your domain or you don't have an email set up, you can skip the second step on this pop-up. Step 3 is where it gets a little fuzzy.

Plus all the relevant IETF RFCs for email do not guarantee delivery. It is possible for a message to be sent to a mail server en route to the destination but the onward network connection is down causing the message to be held until one of the connection is restore, an alternative route is found, or the message is bounced back to the originator (sometimes after 30 days of being held). Occasionally some mail servers will quietly delete such stuck messages.

And being on a shared sending IP means that if the server your friend/family member is connecting to at iCloud was recently used by somebody else for spamming, the legit emails from your friend/family member could get dropped on the floor due to spam mitigation efforts.

I have just installed a PA 3020 and it's great. I'm still pretty new to the device though and need some help troubleshooting iCloud email. I can receive iCloud email on all devices. I can send iCloud email from a browser. But I can't send email from any mobile devices (iPad, iPhones). It just hangs on "sending...". This was all working last week when I had my Sonicwall in place. I see iCloud-mail outbound application traffic being allowed but I don't see any iCloud-mail (or even iCloud-base) traffic coming back. I'm basically just sitting on the monitor tab to see if I can see any drops but there has to be a better way to troubleshoot. Can someone point me in the right direction?

It sounds like you have set up your custom domain email within iCloud and Outlook, but you're experiencing an issue where your replies are being sent from your @icloud.com address instead of your custom domain address. This issue can often be resolved by adjusting your email settings. Here's how you can rectify this:

By following these steps, you should be able to configure your iCloud and Outlook settings to send emails from your custom domain email address rather than your @icloud.com address. If you continue to experience issues, it may be helpful to consult the help resources or support for the specific versions of iCloud and Outlook you are using, as the exact steps can vary based on software versions. ff782bc1db

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