
My Teaching Philosophy

My personal teaching philosophy is centered on the concept of community. I believe that if we center the classroom around the concept of community we will see and validate every single child.

When we have a community centered classroom students will take risks. Moreover, students will inherently feel drawn to Don Miguel Ruiz’s cuatro acuerdos. If I have done my job students will feel less of a need to take things personally or make assumptions. Additionally, my students will have a sense of pride which drives them to honor their word and always do their best. These four agreements should come naturally to my students by the end of the year.

In a community centered class there is equity and understanding. We are gracious and respect that others may walk a different path. This makes my classroom safe from judgement and fear of being different. We assume the best intentions, make an effort to hear one another and use empathy to see new perspectives. I have seen community centered classrooms in action, and I have seen otherwise. Every single class has the potential to be the former, and it is my responsibility as an educator to facilitate that.

There are more apparent ways to ensure that my classes become community centered, from community circles to team building activities. Student ownership should be apparent from the moment you step foot in the room. However there are also less overt ways of fostering connection. I strive to include joy in small moments that we can reflect on, authenticity in our whole group settings, and model appreciation for all that my students have to offer. If I am successful in this, my students will leave my class with a thirst for knowledge and a keen eye for humanity.

The focus in my classroom

  • Social emotional development

  • Integrated ELD

  • Technological fluency

  • Assessment driven instruction

  • Family involvement

  • Self-assessment

  • Inquiry


  • Culturally responsive teaching

Certifications and skills

  • Google Classroom/Google Meet/Zoom

  • Pear Deck

  • CGI Mathematics

  • TEFL Certification

  • American Red Cross Swim Coach Certified

  • DL Multiple Subject Credential

  • Single subject authorization in Spanish


  • José Medina

  • Brené Brown

  • Jorge Cuevas Antillón

  • Saúl I Maldonado