CBD can help with inflammatory bowel disease

6. CBD can help with inflammatory bowel disease

Animal studies show that they prevent colitis (IBD) and restore normal intestinal motility in inflammatory bowel disease CBD also has antibiotic properties, including Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA).

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7. CBD reduces chronic inflammation and autoimmune disease

CBD has been shown to decrease the production and release of inflammatory cytokines that can cause allergies, hypersensitivities, and autoimmunity. It can also suppress the presence of Th17, which is a major cause of autoimmune diseases.

CBD also inhibits the production of inflammatory macrophages and decreases chronic inflammation.

Additionally, CBD is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to be more powerful than vitamins C and E.

8. CBD can protect the nervous system and help with neurodegenerative diseases

For dogs suffering from degenerative myelopathy and other spinal and nerve problems, CBD holds great promise for positive treatment results. Helps patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer's and Parkinson's by protecting brain cells from toxicity.

For older dogs, CBD has been shown to protect the brain from cell death caused by free radicals and toxins.

9. CBD increases appetite and helps with nausea

If you are having trouble getting your dog to eat, CBD can help. The National Cancer Institute reports that CBD increases appetite in addition to controlling cancer.

In animal studies, CBD has also shown positive results in treating vomiting and nausea, even when they are the result of toxins and medications.