Connections Workshop: Stochastic Processes and Related Fields

18-20 October 2023

Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University

The meeting will take place at RIMS in Kyoto, Japan, 18th - 20th October 2023.

This Connections Workshop will feature talks on various aspects of stochastic processes and stochastic analysis, given by leading researchers in the field, as well as presentations by promising newcomers. The goal is to bring together researchers at different career stages and of various backgrounds in order to establish new collaborations and foster mentoring relationships. This workshop is directly prior to the workshop "Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems (SALSIS)" and some of the talks aim to give accessible introductions to the research topics of the SALSIS. These workshops are part of the RIMS Research Project 2023 on Stochastic Processes and Related Fields. More details can be found here.


Patricia GONCALVES - Istituto Superior Técnico

Takashi KUMAGAI - Waseda University

Marielle SIMON - University of Lyon


Benoit COLLINS - Kyoto University

Reika FUKUIZUMI - Waseda University

Kumiko HATTORI - Tokyo Metropolitan University

Kohei SUZUKI - Durham University 

Yuki SUZUKI - Keio University

Kumi YASUDA - Keio University

Ju-Yi YEN - University of Cincinnati


Noe KAWAMOTO - Hokkaido University

Yuka OTA - Kyoto University

Satomi WATANABE - Kyoto University

Weile WENG - Technical University of Berlin

Shun YANASHIMA - Tokyo Metropolitan University


Registration is now open. Please fill in the form by 3rd October

If you would like to participate to be held October 18-20 online, please register using this form by 3rd October.


Makiko SASADA - The University of Tokyo

Tomoko TAKEMURA - Nara Women's University

Yuko YANO - Osaka University


RIMS Symposium (open)

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Grant Number 22H00099 RIMS, Kyoto University ``Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Analysis on Disordered Media" PI: Takashi Kumagai (Waseda University) 

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Grant Number 19K03551 ``Studies of penalisations for Markov processes" PI: Yuko Yano (Osaka University)