Which is correct given the code I am using. However, I would like to use a graph that keeps the variable value until the value changes, i.e. an horizontal line until the value changes, at which point the dots are connected by a vertical line. So instead of the above (for the blue), I'd have something like the black line shown here (I did only the start to illustrate it, forgive my terrible paint skills):


I'm trying to connect individual data points in a repeated measures in graph builder. Using row order, it seems it makes two lines (i.e. from the left box, one line to the middle and one line to the right box) I just want one connecting from left-middle-right!

Using ID as overlay, it gets correct (Pic 2). But then I can't do the box plots correct? (Pic 3)

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Immediately one idea comes to my mind... create new nominal column with same value and then set same value to each of rows and use that column as the color (you can disable that from box plot if you want to). The value you will choose will show in legend but you can easily hide it if you want to by unchecking it

Connecting the Dots is an interactive career exploration simulation program designed to help 9th and 10th grade students learn more about careers of interest. Through the experience, participants explore how to connect the dots from early high school through postsecondary education and training to the workplace. The simulation experience incorporates local/area business and industry, post-secondary, and military partners. Additional workshops on resumes, motivating skills, and additional topics are a part of this program.

We came up with some good reports and I always show our Advanced Analytics to show a big picture. We should always look at the results and try to problem solve from there onwards. Best ways to impress a CIO or an IT Director would be to show an efffective ROI and explain their current scenario and How your solution can address it ?

Use the CSI Process transition cycle to achieve or measure your KPIs and Metrics. I am just sharing a few metrics that I've built out using our Advanced BI tool and created a Dashboard, which connects the dots from IT Helpdesk to CIO level

The problem is my background (computational engineering) is way different from the main theme of my current project (brain research). Naturally, after I started, I tried to read as broadly as possible and not necessarily stick to my interest. Yet, the field is vast. The more I read, the more I feel like I'm merely discovering distant areas without being able to bridge them together.

Maybe important: Since my supervisors are engineers like me, I cannot get the correct question to work on from them -- I have tried, but it didn't work. Instead, I have recently started to connect to researchers in other institutes we collaborate with. They are more into the topic, and I hope it gives a bit of direction to the research.

I am myself a neuroscientist, and tend towards the computational side of things. I came from the biology side, but frequently interact with people coming from the engineering/CS side of things. Those people coming from an engineering/CS background can contribute to knowledge of how brains work, but they need either to fully immerse themselves in learning the biology side from the ground up, or they need to be guided by people who do have the expertise in that area already.

Connecting the points by a linear regression (2) is also an assumption, just like connecting them by a horizontal line (1). Both are legal assumptions. What I want is just a simple bar graph (1) instead of line graph (2)

Connect Dots is a challenging puzzle game. The objective of the game is to connect all dots together without overlapping. Solve each puzzle to level up and move to the next round. As you progress through the game, each puzzle becomes increasingly more difficult.

To play Connect Dots, begin by selecting a level. When the game starts, click on a dot and drag a line connecting it to a neighboring dot in either the vertical or horizontal direction. Your goal is to connect all of the dots together without overlapping. If you are unable to connect all of the dots together, click on the retry button at the bottom of the game and try starting from a new position. When you successfully connect all of the dots together, a new level will open up for you with an even more challenging puzzle to complete. Have fun!

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: It was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Hearing First commissioned Dr. Carol Flexer, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Audiology, University of Akron, to gather, analyze, and synthesize the latest supporting research surrounding how children with hearing loss develop literacy through LSL. Read the white paper that features a logic chain comprising of research to connect the dots between basic brain biology and the development of literacy during elementary school.

Connect the dots (also known as connect-the-dots, dot to dot, join the dots or follow the dots) is a form of puzzle containing a sequence of numbered dots.[1] When a line is drawn connecting the dots the outline of an object is revealed. The puzzles frequently contain simple line art to enhance the image created or to assist in rendering a complex section of the image. Connect the dots puzzles are generally created for children. The use of numbers can be replaced with letters or other symbols. Versions for older solvers frequently have extra solving steps to discover the order, such as those used in puzzlehunts[2] and the connect-the-dots crosswords invented by Liz Gorski.[3]

The roots of connecting dots to create pictures or help with calligraphy can be traced back to the 19th century. The Nine Dots Puzzle is the first known puzzle game where the player has to connect dots. But in this variant the goal is not to draw a picture, but to solve a logic puzzle. The emergence of connect the dots games in the printed press takes place in the early 20th century. These games were published with other puzzle games as pastime for children on the Sunday edition. While the first books containing connect the dots games exclusively were printed in 1926 by Ward, Lock & Co.[4]

So there was this idea of providing a consumer service that could welcome you to your new device (as you might see from an Apple or Amazon device) with a personalized message (e.g. with your name). And that was never actually delivered. Yet Windows still keeps calling the service, just in case someone ever changes their mind.

Sure it's possible, but if you really want to make it like in Houdini, then this will be complicated. Houdini doesn't use simple Bezier noodles like most node-graphs do. Otherwise feel free to have fun e.g. with the legacy Path text effect or by making good use of mask and shape layer paths connected to Null objects with expressions. You might also consider using a commercial plug-in called Plexus.

Is there a way to, if i've created nulls for the tangets too, to make the 'tangets Nulls' have the same x axes as the 'vertices Nulls' and have the distance between the vertices and the tangets be the same on both sides, and on all the lines.. with one parameter/slider control? In this way i would have a 'smoothness/curve' control for the all the connections.

When I have done something similar I just start our drawing my path using a grid with snap to grid turned on. I'll make the path horizontal, about half as long as I expect it to be and stretch out the handles to the middle point. Let me be more clear. I'll turn on the grid and make sure that Snap to Grid is on, then for a path that I expect to be about 4 major divisions long at the shortest point in the animation I'll click on the intersection of one of the major divisions and drag to the right two divisions to set the length of the first bezier handle, then I'll lick on the fourth division and drag to the right again two divisions so the bezier handles are both the same length. Then I'll use the Points Follow Nulls from the new Create Nulls from Paths script. Now when I drag the nulls around I'll get a pleasing curve as long as the distance between the points isn't shorter than the starting distance between the nulls.

It looks kind of complicated but it is actualluy very simple. The first five lines just define some variables that are toing to be used in the Create Paths Medhod directly from the Expression Language Library - createPath(points = [[0,0], [100,0], [100,100], [0,100]], inTangents = [], outTangents = [], is_closed = true). The "for" script just creates a loop that looks for the nulls and and generates an array based on their position and stores that array in the first variable (points section of the createPath method.

My research let me know that the inTangent and outTangent arguments in the expression return the start and end points of the tangent (handle) for the bezier path. I'm not sure what they do to a rotoBezier path and I haven't tested it. The array comprises the origin of the tangent, (always [0, 0]) and the position of the handle relative to the origin as an array. Paths always have a direction starting from the first vertex so the inTangent is toward the first vertex and the out tangent is away from the first vertex. It took about 5 minutes to create four sliders for the in and out tangent then assign the sliders to the array and edit the last line of the expression. I called the sliders inX, inY, outX, outY and then just put the references in the array for both in and out tangents. The last line was edited to look like this: ff782bc1db

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