

The three administrators of the project are also its founders: Page , Jasper and Slorany.

Page has been writing stories ever since they knew how to read them. In one of their novels, a number of the characters were monolingual in a fantasy language that started out as complete gibberish. That's when they looked into conlanging. After spending some time on r/conlangs and getting to know people from related Discord servers, Page developed a passion for linguistics and has chosen to study it formally and become an ESL teacher. They are currently in the process of documenting their main conlang, Wistanian.

After toying around with conlanging in his last years of high school, Jasper joined the Conlangs subreddit in early 2015. Here, he met Darkgamma (also known as Elector Dark), admin of the Conlang Wikia and experienced conlanger. By complete chance, the two started developing what would end up being Carite shortly after, resulting in a conlang that is not only one of the longest living collablangs, but also one of the subreddit's finest. After years of tutelage, Jasper is considered to be an expert when it comes to historical linguistics, focusing on a posteriori conlangs based on real life languages.

Slorany got into conlanging as a way to better their RPG campaigns and offer a better experience of wielding magic in D&D 3.5, because they found the spell lists system to be far too limiting... Then he became sidetracked and accidentally built a whole world for his own homebrew RPG system in which his conlangs all coexist, documented from a multiple diegetic points of view, and from different eras — which leaves room for the languages to evolve, along with the cultures and the speakers.

All the above intros were written by their respective subjects.


Conlangs University currently has three tutors: Page, Miacomet and Slorany.

Miacomet was lucky enough to take a class in high school where creating a conlang was the final project! After high school, he forgot about conlanging until 2018, when he picked it back up as a way to take his mind off his day job working in a biochem lab. In Lexember 2018, he started what is now his flagship conlang, Mwaneḷe. He enjoys long walks on the beach, serial verb constructions, teaching things he knows about, and learning things he doesn't.


Advisers are knowledgeable and experienced people who volunteered to help. Not all of them are taking as active a role as administrators and tutors, they might write and/or host some of the weekly lessons.