

Here, find the latest events and announcements of Conlangs University.


In June of 2020 Conlangs University announced, internally, that the project was coming to a halt due to the worsening world situation taking more and more time away from tutors.

While we promised we'd still be working on it however slowly, which we have, it has not been the case that we have been able to put out anything worthwhile during those past months.

All lessons remain accessible and will stay up for as long as foreseeable.

We hope you enjoy the contents we managed to put out before it all went down.


Update 2022-08

We have returned and published a new article, which you can see in the Lessons page.
We will still publish infrequently, but several of us have resumed work on a few articles. We will try to get one or two more out before the end of 2022, but no promises.






Opening of a late class, with Jasper as tutor. 11 new members.

End of the registrations, and announcement of the three classes.

The official start of the course, opened by a lesson on phonology and the International Phonetic Alphabet.

The registration process is open.

Conlangs University opens, with a week of open house!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Conlangs University?

Conlangs University is a teaching project initiated and ran by three passionate conlangers who have been into the hobby for a number of years each.

Its main goal is to open up language creation, a discipline often seen as very technical and restrictive among worldbuilders, to anyone who wishes to learn it.

We are not a real university, nor do we have the ability to give degrees, diplomas or certificates that would be recognised by any state or organisation. This is only for personal growth and enjoyment.

What is taught at Conlangs University?

We teach what we think is relevant to conlanging, and specifically naturalistic conlanging, as that is what we (the tutors) majoritarily prefer and are more experienced with.

We put a focus on the basics of linguistics, but also discuss how to best adapt the language to the people who speak it, or how to document it in a comprehensive manner.

How does it work?

New lessons are held every week by one of the advisers, and each lesson comes with an assignment that uses the material and helps guide students in its application to conlanging. New material can — and will — make use of what was taught in prior lessons.

Advisers will always be available to answer questions about the lessons, and to give advice about someone's conlanging.

What are tutors? What is their role?

Tutors are the people who will guide a class of students in their conlanging efforts. They are given a channel for their class, which allows for feedback in a smaller committee, and can sometimes give one-on-one advice should a student require it.

Tutors should be the first source of advice for the students, but they certainly shouldn't be their only one, and communicating with classmates, the whole University, and other advisers about issues is highly recommended.