Welcome to my webpage!

I am a microeconomist focusing on environmental and health economics, particularly using machine learning to study how climate change, health outcomes, and public policy interact.

Currently, I am a postdoc at the California Institute of Technology, working with Flintridge Professor R. Michael Alvarez. I also teach Introduction to Public Health Economics and Policy as a lecturer at Caltech.


Under review/In the submission:

Working papers:

Others [View]

Invited Talks


          Norwegian Public Road Administration; Method Development and Analytics Department, Norwegian Public Health Institution


Nordic Annual Environmental and Resource Economics Conference; The 44th Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists (Forskermøtet); Urban Transitions Conference; The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association; Economics Department seminar-Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Environmental, resource and innovation economics Research Department of Statistics Norway - SSB Norway


California Institute of Technology Bray Seminar; Caltech Postdoctoral Association Postdoc Launch Talk; AERE@Online Summer Workshop in Environment, Energy, and Transportation; The EuHEA Conference 2024-Opening up perspectives on health economics; 2024 International Symposium on Spatiotemporal Data Science 

Get in touch at: congc@caltech.edu