Conference Agenda


VI International Conference on Human Rights


11 June 2021

Inauguration of the conference

09:00 - 10:00

Przewodniczący Komitetu Naukowego: Prof. Bronisław Sitek

Plenary Session

10:00 - 11:30

Moderator: Iwona Florek PhD

Panel I (Polish)

12:00 - 13:30

Moderators: Prof. Elżbieta Ura, dr hab. Magdalena Rzewuska

Panel II (English)

12:00 - 13:30

Moderators: Prof. María Lidón Lara Ortiz, Krisztina Schottner Ph.D.

Panel III (English)

12:00 - 13:30

Moderators: Prof. Branislav Fábry, Edit Bregu, Ph.D.

Panel IV (Italian and Spanish)

12:00 - 13:30

Moderators: Prof. Ferdinando Parente, Assoc. Prof. Sławomir Kursa

Panel V (Polish)

14:00 - 15:30

Moderators: Dr hab. Prof. WSGE Magdalena Sitek, dr hab. prof. UR Beata Stępień-Załucka,

Panel VI (Polish)

14:00 - 15:30

Moderators: prof. dr hab. Stanisław Leszek Stadniczeńko, dr hab. prof. WSGE Małgorzata Such-Pyrgiel

Panel VII (English)

14:00 - 15:30

Moderators: Prof. Ligita Šimanskienė, Assoc. Ildiko Laki Ph.D.

Panel VIII (English)

14:00 - 15:30

Moderator: Assoc. prof. Edyta Sokalska, Andrea Szakacs Ph.D.

Conclusion of the conference

16:00 - 16:30

Moderator: Prof. Bronisław Sitek


VI International Conference on Human Rights


11 June 2021

Inauguration of the conference

09:00 – 10:00

Moderator: Prof. Bronisław Sitek

Prof. Magdalena Sitek – Rector of Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy (Poland)

Prof. János Perényi - Rector of Milton Friedman University (Hungary)

Prof. Antonio Uricchio - University of Bari "Aldo Moro", President of the Board of Directors of Italian National Evaluation Agency of the University and Research System

Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Feret - Vicerector for College of Social Sciences, University of Rzeszów (Poland)

Prof. Carmen Lázaro Guillamon - Vicerector for Culture and Institutional Relations, University Jaume I in Castellon De La Plana (Spain)

doc. JUDr. Eduard Burda, PhD. - Dean of the Faculty of Law, Comenius University, Bratislava (Slovakia)

Prof. Jarosław Dobkowski - Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)

Prof. Carmen Azcárraga Monzonís - Vicedean of the Faculty of Law of University of Valencia (Spain)

Prof. Ksenofon Krisafi - Mediterranean University of Tirana (Albania)

Plenary session

10:00 – 11:30

Moderator: Iwona Florek PhD

Prof. Sebastiano Tafaro - University of Bari "Aldo Moro" - Uomo e AI. Un viluppo complesso, dagli inizi al dopo

Prof. Antonio Uricchio - University of Bari "Aldo Moro" - The taxation of artificial intelligence between new taxes and additional incentives

Prof. José Luis Zamora Manzano - Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Unmanned aerial systems (UAS or drones) and data protection: some reflections on recreational drones and their impact on privacy and human rights

Prof. Ligita Šimanskienė - Klaipeda University - Digitization competencies: do employees needs them?

Prof. Svitlana Zapara - Sumy National Agrarian University - Status and problems of labor rights protection in Ukraine

Assoc. Prof. Branislav Fábry - Comenius University in Bratislava - Human Genome Editing and Future of Human Rights

Panel I (Polish)

Prawa człowieka i etyka

12:00 - 13:30

Moderators: Prof. Elżbieta Ura, dr hab. Magdalena Rzewuska

Prof. Stanisław Leszek Stadniczeńko - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw- For the sake of a safe civilization

Prof. Piotr Krajewski - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie - Artificial Intelligence - (un) justified ambitions and (wrong) fears

Prof. Jacek Sobczak - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw- Will the world of algorithms and artificial intelligence be fair? The use of modern technologies, algorithms and predictive models in the judiciary.

Assoc. Prof. Magdalena Sitek - Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy- Human right to freedom of expression and the decline of Western civilization

Prof. UR dr hab. Beata Stępień-Załucka - Uniwersytet Rzeszowski - The right to a fair trial and the use of new technologies in the judiciary

Beata Pachuca-Smulska Ph.D. – Politechnika Warszawska - The concept of consumer on digital markets in the New Consumer Agenda 2020

Justyna Stadniczeńko Ph.D. - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw- Human digitization - freedom or a threat?

Aleksandra Szejniuk Ph.D. - Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy- Human rights and multiculturalism in organizations

Ph.D. Justyna Krzywkowska - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie - E-pastoral work towards selected legal issues

Joanna Uljasz Ph.D. - Uniwersytet Rzeszowski - Subjective rights of an individual to the environment. Constitutional perspective

Panel II (English)

Social issues of human rights

12:00 - 13:30

Moderators: Prof. María Lidón Lara Ortiz, Krisztina Schottner Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Małgorzata Such-Pyrgiel - Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej w Józefowie - Cybercrime defense as a complex, evolving and never-ending challenge

Assoc. prof. Edyta Sokalska - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie - The Information Society and Digital Transformation of a State: Development and Interpretations in the Futurological Thought

Veronika Čunderlík Čerbová Ph.D. - Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava - Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and the Catholic Church

Iwona Florek Ph.D., Bartosz Sobotka PhD. - Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie; Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Administracji w Lublinie - Competence in light of the challenges of the VUCA reality as an important element of human rights

Ildikó Laki Ph.D. - Milton Friedman University - Educational rights - young people with disabilities and children with special educational needs

Renáta Kišoňová Ph.D. - Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava - The identity and gender problem in the context of AI

Robert Tabaszewski - Ph.D. Department of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration Catholic University of Lublin - Love from first swipe: legal aspects of online dating

Artur Banaszak M.A. - Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy- New technologies and the quality of life of senior citizens - opportunities and challenges

Panel III (English)

Artificial intelligence and its impact on the development of human rights

12:00 - 13:30

Moderators: Assoc. Prof. Branislav Fábry, Edit Bregu, Ph.D.

Prof. Antonio Magliulo - Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma - Workers and Machines: The Lesson of Some Great Economists

prof. Anastas Angjeli, Redion Luli Phd - Mediterranean University of Tirana - artificial intelligence: the risk of invasion of human rights and legal regulation of these processes in the eu and the world

Greta Angjeli Assoc prof., Besmir Premalaj PhD - Mediterranean University of Tirana - The right to respect private life in the context of the development of artificial intelligence

Daniela Ježová Ph.D. - Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava - Artificial Intelligence and Privacy

Marcin Kowalczyk Ph.D. - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie - Social aspects of Artificial Intelligence - selected issues

Judge Amparo Salom Lucas - Universitat Jaume I Castellón - Artificial Intelligence and process

M.A. Oleg Drobitko - Klaipeda University / Law Firm InRight - Applications of AI in Transportation and impact on Human Rights

Panel IV (Italian and Spanish)

Diritti umani ed economia nel tempo di trasformazione digitale

12:00 - 13:30

Moderators: Prof. Ferdinando Parente, Assoc. Prof. Sławomir Kursa

Prof. Ksenofon Krisafi, Jonida Vila - Mediterranean University of Tirana - Il turismo e la natura nel mondo della cyber-society

Prof. Jaime Bonet - University of Valencia - L'influenza della religione nel computo del tempo.

Prof. Ferdinando Parente - University of Bari "Aldo Moro" - Cybermedicine, biotechnological inventions and human rights: the frontiers of legal humanism in the new millennium

Prof. Laura Tafaro - University of Bari "Aldo Moro" –Intelligenza artificiale per lo sviluppo sostenibile: I droni

Prof. Maria Casola - University of Bari "Aldo Moro" - Machinae et homines. L'esperienza romana. Riflessioni per l'oggi

Prof. Michele Indellicato - - University of Bari "Aldo Moro" – Etica e diritti umani nell’epoca del digitale

Prof. Paolo Ciocia - University of Bari "Aldo Moro" - Citizens’ participation constitutional rights and public governance inside the cyberspace’s dimension

Assoc. Prof. Tewise Yurena Ortega González - Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - some considerations regarding Law 3/2021, of March 24, on euthanasia

Prof. Salvatore Antonello Parente - University of Bari "Aldo Moro" - Taxation of artificial intelligences and taxable cases

Rosa Indellicato Ph.D. - University of Bari "Aldo Moro" - Linear economy, civil economy, Circular economy: education as a transition catalyst"

Judge Amparo Salom Lucas - Universitat Jaume I Castellón - Artificial Intelligence and process

Fiona Tako Ph.D., Jona Marashi Msc - Mediterranean University of Tirana - INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE E DIRITTO D’AUTORE

Fernando Miguel Santana Medina - Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Derecho al olvido

Panel V (Polish)

Informatyzacja, cyfryzacja, technologie

14:00 - 15:30

Moderators: dr hab. prof. WSGE Magdalena Sitek, dr hab. prof. UR Beata Stępień-Załucka

Prof. Bronisław Sitek - SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny - Cyber Property

Assoc. Prof. Elżbieta Feret - Uniwersytet Rzeszowski - Financial and legal aspects of artificial intelligence - an opportunity or a threat to budgets?

Assoc. Prof. Sławomir Kursa - SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny - In search of a safe form of electronic will

Assoc. Prof. Paweł Sitek - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw- Digital society - a threat to the implementation of the disposition of art. 23 of the family and guardianship code?

Ph.D. Alina Gut - Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy- Media pathologies in the digital age

Ph.D. Krystyna Ziółkowska - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski w Olsztynie - The impact of artificial intelligence on the future of employment.

Anna Pawlak Ph.D. - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw- The right to privacy in the age of artificial intelligence

Ph.D. Tomasz Talar - Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy- Digital transformation and outsourcing of accounting services. Fashion or necessity?

M.A. Paweł Piotrowski - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw- Execution of a court bailiff in the virtual world

M.A. Witold Wyporek - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw- Artificial Intelligence - Choice of Case Law

M.A. Anna Semrau - Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Warszawie - The influence of artificial intelligence on the functioning of accounting offices

M.A. Marta Bojaruniec - Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy - Religious aspects of divorce as a challenge of women`s rights

Aleksandra Wójcicka - student - New technologies in the law of commercial companies - practical aspects

Panel VI (Polish)

Bezpieczeństwo w różnych aspektach życia

14:00 - 15:30

Moderators: prof. dr hab. Stanisław Leszek Stadniczeńko, dr hab. prof. WSGE Małgorzata Such-Pyrgiel

Prof. Jarosław Dobkowski - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie - The role of a "wise" machine in the administrative application of law

Ph.D. Agnieszka Łukaszczuk - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw- The civil service in terms of the Human Resource Management Strategy in the Civil Service until 2020.

Ph.D. Aleksandra Lukasek - Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy- Online mediation in education as a chance to resolve conflicts in the modern world

Ph.D. Sylwester Smoleński - Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy- Safety of older people in the face of the progressive computerization of everyday life in the first two decades of the 21st century.

Ph.D. Sebastian Bentkowski - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie - Legal and organizational aspects of the information security system in public administration

Ph.D. Tomasz Binek - Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy- Cooperation of a mobile microbiological laboratory with 4 military clinical hospital with a polyclinic in Wrocław in the fight against the sars cov-2 coronavirus pandemic

M.A. Kacper Milkowski, Prof. Małgorzata Szwejkowska - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw- The use of artificial intelligence in unmanned aerial vehicles - legal aspects

M.A. Adam Krupa - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw- Telematics - security at the price of the right to choose?

M.A. Izabela Juhnke - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw- The idea of the precautionary procedure - a case study

eng. Wojciech Sitek- Artificial intelligence algorithms for text classification

Panel VII (English)

Social and legal security

14:00 - 15:30

Moderators: Prof. Ligita Šimanskienė, Ildiko Laki Ph.D.

Prof. María Lidón Lara Ortiz - Universitat Jaume I Castellón - Digital citizens’ participation right in defense of the environment

Assoc. Prof. Elżbieta Zębek, Leda Zilinskiene - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, Mykolas Romeris University - Waste management and human rights to the environment in Polish and Lithuanian legal solutions

dr hab. Magdalena Rzewuska - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie - Consumer protection in online commercial transactions

Assoc. Prof. Maciej Serowaniec - Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń - Virtual functioning of parliaments in COVID-19 era — constitutional issues

Ph.D. Ewa Szewczyk - University of Zielona Góra, branch in Sulechów - Artificial intelligence in administrative proceedings

Ph.D. Paweł Polaczuk - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie - Loud church bells as a harmful environmental impact in the German legal order. Some remarks

Ph.D. Agnieszka Korzeniowska-Polak - University of Social Sciences in Lodz - The electronic delivery - a chance or an exclusion?

Ph.D. Marcin Mamiński - Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy- The role of local governments in environmental protection

Ph.D. Teresa Gądek-Hawlena - Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach - Modern Mobile Devices and the Safety of Road Traffic Participants

Panel VIII (English)

Influence of informatization of individual

14:00 - 15:30

Moderators: dr hab. Edyta Sokalska, Andrea Szakacs Ph.D.

Prof. Maciej Rzewuski - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie - Electronic will. The lege ferenda remarks.

Ph.D. Katarzyna Ciućkowska - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie - Blockchain Technology in the Security of Personal Data and Protection of Privacy

Ph.D. Soňa Sopúchová - Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava - Artificial intelligence and its use in the process of providing health care

Ph.D. Joanna Bocianowska - University SWPS - Legal institutions securing socially recognised rights of the subjects participating in legal transactions, based on the example of legitimate expectations

Ph.D. Tomasz Wierzchowski - Wydział Humanistyczny AGH im. S. Staszica w Krakowie - Espionage and disinformation as a new crime paradigm

M.A. Tomasz Slapczynski - UMCS w Lublinie Poland - Blockchain technology on capital markets

M.A. Kejsi Rizo - Mediterranean University of Tirana - Implications of daily applied artificial intelligence and the future of our rights


16:00 - 16:30

Moderator: prof. Bronisław Sitek