Venue and Local Information

How to reach the Math Department from Genova Brignole (train station)

To get to the Math Department from Genova Brignole you can take bus numbers 16, 17 or 17/ and get off at "Europa 1/OSPEDALE San Martino", or numbers 45 (heading to Istituto Giannina Gaslini), 86 or 87 and get off at "San Martino 2/ PAPIGLIANO". From there it is a 5/10 minutes walk. Bus numbers 16, 17, 17/ are more frequent and bigger than 45, 86 and 87, but the walk is (slightly) longer.

How to reach Genova

Lunch options near the Math Department

A list of places where you can have lunch at walking distance from the conference venue: