
Registration is free but mandatory. Please use the following links to register for on-site or online participation:

On-site participation (closed)

Online participation (closed)

Important information for on-site participants: If the Covid-regulations do not change until the date of the conference, please be aware of the following:

1.) You are allowed to participate at the conference only if you are either fully vaccinated (usually: 2 shots) or you are recovered from Covid and can present a valid certificate for either case. This means that a negative test result is not sufficient. In German terms: 2G applies.

2.) For various other acitivities, such as going to the canteen for lunch, participating at the conference dinner, going to pubs/restaurants in general, the rules are even stricter: the same as described in 1.) applies PLUS you have to present a current negative test result UNLESS you already received your booster shot. So, if you have your booster, you're basically free to do everything without further restrictions. For those who have not: there is a test center right at the university or also at the main station in Bochum. In German terms: 2G+ applies.

3.) You need to carry proof of your "Covid status" as described in 1.) and 2.) at all times PLUS a valid form of ID.

4.) You need to wear a mask at all times inside the university buildings. Only FFP2 or surgical masks are eligible in Germany.