
Registration EDAS Link:

The above registration link is NOT for participants from Japan 

Payment Gateway Charges to be Included with the above Registration Fees


Category # 1:  Presentation Rate

Per Person Attendance: One-Day Attendance: 6,000 JPY (Member of the Presentation Group) - No publication in ACM Book

Category # 2:  Publication Rate

ACM Book of Abstracts & Posters Publication (one-time payment even when team authored): 9000 JPY 

Please submit your abstract and/or full or short paper in Microsoft CMT and then register for the conference with cash payment on-site at the registration desk.  You will be issued a receipt. 

「アブストラクトおよび/またはフルまたはショートペーパーをMicrosoft CMTで提出し、その後、会議に現金支払いで受付デスクで登録してください。領収書が発行されます。」 

On-site Audience Member (Japan): 3000 JPY 

Online Audience FMU (Group Rate): 17,580 JPY

Online Registration Link (EDAS)

The above registration link MUST be used by all participants who intend to apply to publish in one of the proceedings

Final Registration Deadline: 20th June 2024 (Late fee applies after this date)

Publication Charges: 

Regular registration fees include one paper which is no more than 15 pages maximum in the format of the conference. Exceptions apply when necessary. Please discuss this with the conference chair. 

Regular Author Registration includes:

Virtual Author Registration includes:

Presentation Only Registration includes:



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