Frequently Asked Questions


Q: I cannot find my child's assignment plan. There is only 1 class in the document.

You can scroll through and hover over the document. Scroll down the page to look for your child's class. 

You can also click on the document and it will bring you to the Google document itself where you can print the assignment plan for your child. 

Accessing the Assignment Plans.mp4

Q: There is too little/much work given for my child. Can the teachers please give more/less homework?

Schools are given a set of HBL guidelines that we have to adhere to. The guidelines provide explicit hours of online and offline work to be assigned so schools planned our schedule and workload accordingly. It would not be a good comparison to the workload given on a typical school day as there are limited things we can do for HBL considering the mode of delivery. 


Q: My child forgot his/her SLS account and password. What should I do?

Your child's SLS account ID is a combination of the first 5 letters of his/her official name and the last 5 alphanumeric digits of his/her BC.

E.g. Child's Name: Eric Tan Wei Hong
        BC No: T1000123B
        SLS Account ID: ERICT0123B

You can perform a password reset on your own, if you've entered a valid email address. The new password will be sent to you. If you have not, you can approach your child's form teachers to help reset. You may also refer to Paragraphs 6 - 9 in Annex A of the Student Annexes. 

Q: My child SLS account is locked. Who do I contact?

Your account will be locked after 6 consecutive attempts to log in with an incorrect password.

Following which, you can do any of the following:

1) Complete the form:

2) Email school SLS Administrator:

3) Email SLS Helpdesk after school hours: 

* The SLS Central Helpline will operate after school operating hours (4pm - 9pm on weekdays and 9am - 9pm on Saturday).


Q: How can I loan a device for HBL for my child?

Please email or contact HOD ICT directly for assistance on this matter. 

Do note that a successful loan of device is dependent on a few criteria and will therefore be considered on a case-by-case basis.