Other Resources

Ives: Concord Sonata (geoffrey Block)

Cambridge University Press, 2008 - Link to Amazon entry

Block's impressive chapter on borrowing in the sonata was a great help and inspiration to me. His chapter on themes should be consulted by anyone wishing to track their appearances further.

"Ives's Celestial Railroad and His Fourth Symphony" (Thomas M. Brodhead)

In American Music Vol. 12, No. 4, University of Illinois Press, 1994

The appendix of this article (about other works that share material with the "Hawthorne" movement) includes all of the information we have about a program for "Hawthorne." It is especially useful to consult for a memo by Ives about the movement where he outlines a linear storyline following elements of "The Celestial Railroad" by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

All made of tunes: Charles Ives and the uses of musical borrowing (James Peter Burkholder)

Yale University Press, 1995 - Link to Google Books entry

This is a useful thematic and quotational outline for the melodies present in the "Concord" Sonata.

Charles ives's concord: essay after a sonata (kyle gann)

University of Illinois Press, 2017 - Link to Google Books entry

This is an invaluable resource in exploring this sonata. Gann tackles the musical material alongside the essays and the history surrounding this work. He also creates a resource for performers by examining the two editions and existing recordings.

Knickerbocker Press, 1920

This was published alongside the first version of the "Concord" Sonata. Ives writes, "these prefatory essays were written by the composer for those who can't stand his music -- and the music for those who can't stand his essays; to those who can't stand either, the whole is respectfully dedicated."