
Call for papers

The workshop will be offered in a hybrid fashion and will be organised in four main sessions. 

Each session covers a different topic of HRI and personalisation. Those sessions will include a keynote speech and questions and 1 hour of accepted paper/poster presentations. A fifth session will be dedicated to a 1-hour discussion, where the attendees will be invited to engage the keynote speakers and the group in a conversation about the perspectives and challenges of social robot personalisation. The workshop will be interspersed with coffee-break sessions during which attendees will be available to network and discuss further.

Contact email:

Important Dates

The workshop will take place at the venue of the 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2023) in Stockholm, Sweden. 

Submission Guidelines

Manuscript submission:

We invite authors to submit a 2-page abstract or full papers (up to 6 pages, including references) on original and unpublished research on the field of social robots’ personalisation, addressing technical, ethical and/or socio-cultural aspects of personalised HRI. Papers will be reviewed for their theoretical or technical contribution and relevance.

All manuscripts must be written in English, not anonymised, and submitted electronically in PDF on EasyChair via the link above. The accepted papers will be published on the workshop website, in arXiv and in the website of the European Training Network PERSEO, as it supports this workshop. Furthermore, we are also aiming to organise a follow-up special issue in a journal such as the International Journal of Social Robotics, where accepted authors will be invited to send extended versions of their papers.

Authors should follow HRI specifications and template files. Templates are available at this link (US letter). In addition, ACM has partnered with Overleaf, where you can start writing using this link directly. Please note that this Overleaf document uses the new ACM workflow by default, which is not what HRI is using; to fix this, make sure the document uses the “sigconf” document class, rather than the “manuscript,screen,review” document class that is enabled in the Overleaf document by default.

Discussion Topics

We encourage researchers and students from HRI, robotics, philosophy and law to contribute. The workshop welcomes contributions across a wide range of topics including, but not limited to: