

The time is NOW if you are looking to get involved with Safe Grad we need your help! We have our PNO Auction on April 27th and are looking for volunteer parents to begin outreach to local parents and businesses to gather auction items. 

Please help make even if just one contact to a business or organization.

Email us at and we will share our fundraising contact list.

If you have a business or a parent willing to donate please let us know 

Weekly Thursday Fundraising Meetings- join us!

Email us at

and we will send you meeting reminders of place & time


Help raise funds with our crowd source fundraiser- Zeffy

This is an easy way that we can all help raise funds without barely any effort at all. It just requires you to take the following link and post it on your social media pages and/or send to your email contact list to ask them all to consider donating to support Safe Grad. Here is the LINK and some key points to share with your friends and families: 

Safe Grad is a 35 year tradition at Conard and is a substance/alcohol free, all-night party that is entirely planned and funded by the families of Conard Seniors each year. We do not get any funding from the school or town, so it is up to us to raise all of the funds needed to help our kids have a safe graduation night. We are asking our friends, families, and neighbors to please consider contributing. Safe Grad is a 501c3 nonprofit, so all of the money donated to our fundraising campaign is tax deductible. We have 362 students in our 2024 graduating class and it will cost approximately $110/per student to cover the costs of this event. Any amount you can donate will help us to get closer to that goal. Zeffy is a completely safe, 100% of the money you donate will go directly to Safe Grad. Thank you for your support and please also consider sharing this fundraising campaign link on your social media pages and with your contacts as well.