The Internet is a network of a network connecting all different devices which enables data and information communication between them and it makes computer networks an essential part of our daily life and in technical interviews. Computer networking is the most asked subject in top companies such as Cisco, Uber, Airbnb, Google, VMware, Fortinet, Nvidia, Amazon, and many others. To get into these and other software and networking companies, you need to master some important Networking interview questions to crack their interview rounds.

A set of computers connected to share resources is known as a computer network. The primary resource shared over the network is the Internet. Another example is the sharing of a printer between different computers. However, the best example is the Internet. In this article, you are going to discover the most frequently asked computer network interview questions. If you are looking for a career in IT hardware and networking, you need to prepare them. Every interview is different, but we have covered the most critical computer network interview questions that can help you succeed.

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This article is going to be helpful for everyone attending a computer network interview. As it is a complex topic, you need to be careful while answering these computer networks interview questions. You can smoothly get through the network architect interview by preparing for the topics mentioned above. We have tried to cover most of the essential things in this article. However, if you want to learn more about networking and master it in and out, you can check out our CCNA routing and switching training. What are you waiting for? Start preparing for your next computer networks interview now!

To help you make a strong impression on potential employers and confidently navigate through the common questions asked during computer network specialist interviews, we have compiled a list of key topics and sample answers that showcase your skills and experience.

The question aims to gauge your understanding of one of the most fundamental aspects of computer networking. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of the internet infrastructure, as it translates human-readable domain names into the IP addresses that computers use to identify each other. Your knowledge of DNS demonstrates your expertise in network environments and indicates your ability to troubleshoot and maintain essential network services.

Technical knowledge is essential for computer network specialists, and the OSI model is a fundamental concept in networking. By asking this question, interviewers want to gauge your understanding of the OSI model, which helps in diagnosing, troubleshooting, and designing computer networks. Your ability to describe the layers of the OSI model showcases your expertise and indicates how effectively you can communicate complex technical ideas.

Technology is constantly evolving, and so is the language used to communicate within these networks. A computer network specialist must be well-versed in the intricacies and differences between IPv4 and IPv6, as these are two widely used internet protocols. Showcasing your knowledge of these protocols demonstrates your ability to adapt to new technologies and your understanding of the foundations of modern networking systems.

Example: Staying current with new developments and trends in computer networking is essential for my professional growth and ensuring that I can provide the best solutions to the organization. One way I stay up-to-date is by regularly reading industry publications, such as Network World and Computer Networking News, which cover the latest advancements and emerging technologies.

VLANs, or Virtual Local Area Networks, are essential for improving network performance, security, and manageability. Hiring managers want to assess your understanding of VLANs and their role in network segmentation. Your ability to explain their purpose and how they can be used effectively demonstrates your level of expertise and competence in computer networking, which is vital for a Computer Network Specialist role.

Just to let you know that currently, there's a new beta round of a Network Engineering Stack Exchange site. Beta means that it is temporary and will disappear unless it has a decent amount of activity with regards to questions, answers and quality of answers.

Given this, I thought it would be a good time to compile some of the most common questions applicants face when interviewing for server and networking jobs. As you can imagine, the requirements vary widely. But knowing the answers to these 15 questions is a must. Even if you think you know the answer, it can be tricky to provide that answer in a succinct, clear manner.

Attenuation in computer networking is the loss of communication signal strength, measured in decibels (dB). As the rate of attenuation increases, the transmission, such as an email a user is trying to send or a phone call, becomes more distorted. Attenuation can occur on computer networks due to range, interference (e.g., by radio interference or physical obstructions), or wire size (the thinner the wire, the greater attenuation).

As with any job interview, it's important for the candidate to anticipate questions from the interviewer and come prepared. To prepare, it can be helpful to practice answering these questions by participating in mock interviews. Practicing with a partner who has experience with servers, systems design and networking can be advantageous, as they can provide constructive feedback for your answers.

Hence, we have elaborated on the main questions and answers that can possibly describe the exact extent and methodology of networking Q&As, which can undoubtedly land suitable jobs to the candidates whosoever give a prime concern on them.

A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. Routers are used to connect networks of different sizes, such as local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).

A LAN (Local Area Network) is a network of computers and other devices that are connected to each other and share resources within a relatively small area, such as a home, office, school, or building. In addition, the devices in a LAN are typically connected using wired or wireless networking technologies.

For a few candidates understanding the different computer networking terms may be a bit tough and the same applies to other computer-related terminology, applications and software. So, to upgrade your Computer Awareness, refer to the difference between articles given below:

Thus, to assist candidates and help them understand the type of questions which may be asked from this concept, discussed below are a few question and answers based on Computer Network. Candidates can refer to these and start their preparation.

Networking Experts understand your specific computer problems

Network issues can be an annoyance if they affect your personal computer, but when it happens to a commercial setup, they could spell disaster. Computer networking questions tend to cover a broad spectrum, and in some ways they can be more complex than hardware or software inquiries. As such, troubleshooting without the right knowledge supporting you can be a difficult endeavor.

The tiered nature of DNS also makes it possible to have repeat queries responded to very quickly, although it may take a few moments to discover where a brand new address is that you haven't been to before. From your home, say that you wanted to go to Infosec Institute's home page. You know the address for it, so you punch it in and wait. Your computer will first talk to your local DNS server (likely your home router) to see if it knows where it is. If it doesn't know, it will talk to your ISP's DNS server and ask it if it knows. If the ISP doesn't know, it will keep going up the chain asking questions until it reaches one of the 13 Root DNS Servers. The responding DNS server will send the appropriate address back down the pipe, caching it in each location as it does so to make any repeat requests much faster.

Modern networking services connect physically distributed computer networks. These services can optimize network functions through automation and monitoring to create one large-scale, high-performance network. Network services can be scaled up or down based on demand.

A user posted a question on MSO, asking about where to ask their theoretical computer networking question. Since it's not a practical problem, it's not really a good fit for SO, Network Engineering, Super User, or Server Fault.

The user mentioned that there's no IPv4 tag here, so they didn't think it was even remotely on-topic. I did a couple of quick searches and did find there are some general computer networking questions here.

Update: The question was re-opened on SO, then closed by a moderator. Regardless of what happened there, I'd still like feedback from the users here about whether the question itself is on-topic for this site, and more importantly, what kinds of non-practical networking questions would be a good fit for CS. Ideally MSO would have a canonical answer that we can point people to, since "Where do I ask about X?" questions all filter through there. (And we get plenty of comments when we get it wrong. :) )

In general, are questions about theoretical networking on-topic here? Sure. If it meets with our quality guidelines and site policies, it is suitable here. Networking is definitely part of the scope of computer science. As our help page on what is on-topic says,

Connecting two or more computers together is called a computer network. Each network has a definite purpose. Many computers are interconnected for the purpose of sharing computer resources, which is called computer networking. 


 In other words, Network is the interconnection of two or more computers for the mutual exchange and sharing of information or other resources. Under computer network, there is mutual sharing of resources, so that data and information are equally accessible from one computer to another. 


 There are mainly 3 types of computer networks: LAN, WAN and MAN. Apart from this, there are some other PAN and HAN. 


 We have listed here top computer networks questions answers, which covers all important networking chapters like Topologies, Transmission modes, Categories of Network, OSI model, IP classes etc. 

 You should practice these computer networking one line questions for your competative exams. e24fc04721

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